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Some times I cant speak and some times I cant shut up

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
So some days I find it hard to speak and it can go on all day (or for a few days) and its like treacle in my head and some days I dont shut up and I annoy everyone (including myself) and I dont listen to or know half the stuff that comes falling out (its usually general chit-chattery). It can come out a bit hysterical some times too.

But the days where I find it hard to speak its really tough, people with speak to me and I will just smile (or do nothing) and I dont really realise I am not responding properly even though I know should answer I cant (I worry about appearing rude). My brain just stuggles to help me bother to think it feels like.

Im 20 and my mood swings are difficult but I have been learning to manage them and be calm and on an even keel but I want to iron out the kinks in personality so how do I combat this?

I am not diagnosed with anything either so maybe I have a lazy brain that choses some days will be ok and somedays it wants to shut down? Its honestly really difficult cause I dont feel like im being lazy. I feel like im being shut off and not really in the room so much, like quite detached and distant from people (including myself).


Also, am I just being silly and overthinking it? If so tell me to move on and try to be normal XD


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    it sounds like youve got what i think is called disassociation or something like that its a "minor" personality disorder that usually arises after suffering trauma or unexpected drama or horror. it also could be hormonal or just the final stages of adolescance!... if it is disassociation you usually suffer symptoms like feeling as though you are an objective party or you are on autopilot, and as thpugh you are viewing your experiences as opposed to feeling them, either way it usually passes and is nothing to worry about goals and achievements are a good way to cope distraction! set yourself small goals and recognise when they have been sucsessfully completed, usually balances you out. dont qoute me on that but its something my dad ( a phsyciatrist) goes on about as an "undiscovered issue" or something that has yet to be fully understood.
    gd luk anyway and all the best x:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Yes well my Drs said I was suffering from post traumatic stress due to suffering abuse as a child but I am mostly OK these days. But some times its so hard and I dont quite know what to do with myself to help. Thanks though =D
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