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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

ermm well didn't really know where to put this...

Anyway, well, the past 2 days or so have just been really hell-ish. But yesterday was really bad. In the morning I went to my friends, he's 16, and he kissed me, but I just pulled away. I want him as a friend, and nothing more. Then he walked with me to meet another friend, and he was telling her that I was "all over him" and I wasn't. That really pissed me off. then me and the girl went into town and when we were in town I saw loads of people from my middle school- pretty much most my class and some from other classes. Anyway, that's not really the point. On my way home there was a man, about 20 ish, quite clearly checking me out. I just turned away and kept walking. When I turned round to speak to my friend the man was still there looking at me. I rolled my eyes, so he saw, and continued walking. Then my friend and I decided to go in one final shop, and when we came out he was there leaning against the wall. So I gave him a look, shook my head and walked off.
It's probaly just me, but I'm quite scared. I shouldn't be, it's nothing, but I have been so paranoied and jumpy recently it's weird. I don't know if it's because I haven't had a drink for a few days, or something like that, but I don't really know what to do. Like, when I get to a corner I'm scared to walk round it. I just don't know what's up with me. Is it just tierdness? Because I don't really sleep much, never really have.
And the other thing is I've started to get upset about things I don't normally. I mean, I'm emotional at the best of times. But my dad told me the other day that he wants to move to spain before he dies, because he's only got 5 to 10 years left. And I just burst into tears, and when people ask about my dad is start to cry too. I hate my dad, he's horrible. And for years I've not wanted to see him, and now he is dieing I feel really guilty.
And, while I was at my dads, I saw one of my cousins who I haven't seen for years. And I was kind of atracted to him... Now, I'd never do anything with him, and he wouldn't with me. He's 22/23 now, and I haven't seen him since he was like 17/18.
I just don't know what's been going on in my head recently, sorry this post is kinda long I just wanted to talk about some of it.
Broken-angel x


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I'm sorry to hear that the last few days have been so bad, hopefully things will improve in time :)

    Right, firstly with this guy friend. Were you giving off any signals? Even if you weren't literally "all over him" do you think you could have done/said anything that made him think otherwise? If not, don't worry. He could have just perhaps been a bit embarassed and tried to shift the blame onto you. With this other guy, its probs best to ignore it. He could of just been bored or whatever. But out of interest... do you dress your age or try to look older? Because quite often that can attract unwanted attention....

    The cause of you feeling paranoid and jumpy could be a number of things. It could be because of the drink, even things like cutting down caffeine can make you feel pretty crap so it wouldn't be a surpise! Have you tried to sort your sleep out? Sleep is soooo vital, I'm sure you don't need to be told this, but if you can get yourself into a routine and sort out any sleeping problems you have now, i'm pretty sure it would make at least some difference to how you're feeling.

    And finally... people go through stages of being emotional, but if you feel it really it is a problem and is effecting you in big ways, talk to someone about it. You shouldn't feel guilty about your dad...
    and I can't remember your situation, but if you're seeing a GP or healthcare professional, try and talk to them about it.

    All the best
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You seem to have an issue with guys, to be frank.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    No, I didn't lead my friend on... He just tried to snog me, and I pushed him away. I text him a min ago about it, but he hasn't text back.
    And I do try to dress my ages, but I don't exactly look it. I could wear a neck high top and flared jeans, and I would still look at least 14. I mean, I spend most my life in pyjamas now, and when I go out I normally wear skinny fits- or if I wear a skirt I wear tights.
    And, as for sleeping, I think it runs in the family- I know my dad doesn't sleep much too. Is there any natraul remidies (spelling?) that can help?

    And, theconvincer, I do have issues with guys. I got involved with them far to young, and now I can't get out. I ruined my own life and I'll have to live with that as long as I can.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hey, sorry to hear about this, imo, ur "friend" whos 16, he's a fucking perve (soz bout the language, but ur 12 ffs), if he was saying u were all over him talk to him saying u don't like that he's saying that sort of thing and if he continues saying it sevre ur ties with him, easy said that done but still

    With ur dad, 5-10 years left, he's gonna die, he's ur dad of course ur gonna feel upset about it no matter what he's done, yes he may be an arsehole but still, he;s ur dad

    sorry if that sounded harsh but still, hope it helped
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why are you even hanging out with 16 year old guys? 12 & 16 is a massive age difference, at that time of life.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why are you even hanging out with 16 year old guys? 12 & 16 is a massive age difference, at that time of life.

    My best friends are 16, 17, 23 and 10. So, I hang out with a load of different ages. I met this lad last year, he was a year 11 prefect at my school and showed me round on my induction day. And he knew a load of my other friends, because he lives down their road. Anyway, he still hasn't text me back. I'd rather sort things out with him than not speak to him, because he has helped me a lot the past year and I don't want to shove it back in his face... Would it be better to speak to him face to face or to just leave it for a bit??
    Broken-angel x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My best friends are 16, 17, 23 and 10.

    I'm sorry, but that just isn't normal.

    As for your question, I'd let the dust settle for a while, especially seen as he hasn't replied to your SMS.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sorry, but that just isn't normal

    It's just how I grew up i guess...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi there broken angel :wave:

    Sounds like things are getting a bit much at the moment. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad - it sounds like a big loss.
    Have you thought about doing anything nice for you at the moment? What do you do to relax or unwind? There are some ideas here.
    Perhaps others have ideas about how to cope with tough times. Sometimes relaxing, eating good food and exercising can help you to sleep and get a bit of perspective when there is a lot to think about.

    Let us know how you do,
    Take care
    cat treats :)
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