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something to do with gums.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
ive just noticed that i have like a bag of skin under two of my teeth. i say bag of skin because it isnt verry taught, its a darker red than the rest of my gums, and i can move it around. if i pinch it, i can feel it, which is telling me that it isnt just "dead" gum.

im not entirely sure what to make of it. i have had extensive work done on my teeth in the past, and i do eat a lot of sugary things (just dont drink any sugary things). but i brush my teeth, hate my dentist ect. ect.

im not sure what to make of it and was woundering if anyone had any thoughts on it? its likely that im just picking at fault but if someone culd put my mind at ease, that would be great thanks.
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