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Feeling fucked!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Oh man, I feel like shite today. Dont know whats wrong with me, been feeling miserable for a week now.

I need a holiday, I think, I have loads of holidays left but cant take any at the moment, as nobody would be about. When I do take a day off, I cant help sending emails on the crackberry.

I keep trying to give up smoking, and failing miserably and arent achieveing any of my personal goals (even those piss easy ones I set). Everything seems a bit all over the place at the moment.

Guess am just fustrated with things, but nothing a break wouldnt sort. Considering a break isnt going to be possible for a few months, what else can I do? Drugs and alcohol seem to work for a bit, but then in the morning after i feel the same, plus with a hangover!



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turn off the blackberry, unplug the house phone, turn off the computer (or at least any email alerts), stop taking any drugs and really reduce your alcohol intake, have some "me time" - have a bath, listen to some music, read a good book, watch a good film, do some hobbie stuff, go for a good long walk or run.

    with the goals cut them down into really tiny steps and work on achieving the really tiny steps which lead to the bigger goal...

    and as jordan said, stopping smoking is really hard, so why not get some help from your dr or pharmacist, or the NHS stop smoking service?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "Stop whining" - Dennis Leary

    No but seriously...

    Give yourself a week off ffs. Are you sure you are irreplaceable at work? Stop trying anything and just relax and quit thinking about the stuff. Stop thinking about trying to stop smoking and do it already. 90% of the people who can't quit smoking are addicted to the habit of smoking, instead of nicotine!!! I was one of them.
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