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Hi Everyone

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi i'm Ruth, joined the site a few days ago so thought i would introduce myself...I'm divorced with 3 lads, 19,16 and 14. My 16 yr old lives with me but my other 2 lads live down south with there dad n his new wife.

I had a nervous breakdown back in 2000, and i have suffered on n off very bad deppression since. I have been admitted into phsyciatric hospital a few times due to attempting suicide. I really would like to beat this awfull illness but it aint that easy. I have been out of hospital now 6 weeks and startin to slip back again, i have started self harming again and there's alot of suicidal thoughts runnin through my mind again. All i seem to do lately again is cry n cry, eatin very little and i'm so tiered all the time through not sleepin. I have a CPN that comes out to see me n she's very nice n easy to talk to but i get so frustrated cos i get on an even keel then start to spiral down hill. My psyciatrist has just changed my medication again and i know from past experience it can take a good few weeks to feel any benefit if any from new medication.

I was a very heavy user of cocaine but so far i have been clean for nearly 12mnths which i have to say i am very proud of myself for stayin clean, i got to admit i still get urges to take cocaine but as of yet not fallen into the trap of using again.

Anyway i joined the site to be able to communicate with people that suffer with deppression.

Has anyone had a nervous breakdown and made a full recovery???????

Hugs Ruthie xxxx


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