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Wanted: Disabled student diarists for BBC website

**helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,235 Supreme Poster
From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ouch

Are you disabled? About to start university for the first time? if so, we want to hear from you.

The BBC's disability website 'Ouch!' is planning a feature called Disabled Student Diaries. We want to follow 3 disabled students in their first few weeks at university, focusing on everything from access to lectures and campus, through to how you're getting on living independently away from home and your new social life.

We will expect our chosen students to write a diary for us for the first 4 weeks at uni plus some other 'stuff' including a little filming before you go to uni and a lovely care package the contents of which are secret - sssh.

We're keen to work with you so we don't disrupt your life too much at this crucial time. We will be offering some payment as well as other potentially interesting opportunities.
How do I get involved?

Email us now: ouch@bbc.co.uk ... and tell us a bit about you.


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