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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Excuse the title but not sure what the proper name is for the area, all i know is I call them Saddlebags :D

Recently i've not been able to run due to knee pain and i've noticed some weight gain on my bum and top/side of thigh area. I'm usually a pretty athletic person but due to up and down health i've not done martial arts/running for about three months and it's showing.

I walk twice a day with the dogs, ride one (maybe two horses) a day and try and swim 40 lengths once a week. I'm not looking to shed weight as i'm a healthy weight level but i'd really like to know how to tone up the saddlebag area i seem to be getting. A friend has offered me his punchbags whenever i want so thinking i might start trying to train a little each week but would like some suggestions on other exercises i can be doing at home. Lunges are out i'm afraid as i struggle with my knees and lunges crucify me after about 5. :rolleyes: I don't know, 28 and dodgy knees, sound like an old biddy really :blush:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Legs are by far the best way to tax the body as the muscles are huge so not running will certainly have an impact, which is the operative word here. Is the knee pain through motion or impact?

    You could try rowing or cycling to reduce impact but if it's motion that hurts the knees then you're limited in your options. There is one exercise you could try and that's skipping. It's highly underrated and can be exhausting but works the calfs, quads, hamstrings and gluts very well and is a good cardio exercise. Try it!!! Do get advice on your knee though. 28 is a young age to be suffering with your joints, particularly since you aren't heavy either.
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