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Festival of Ideas

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi we've had a request to put his up from the Cambridge Uni Festival of Ideas - take a look and see if anything appeals.

Want the chance to experience being a Cambridge student without having to sit an exam?

The University is throwing open its doors to the public in the autumn as part of its second Festival of Ideas, during the University’s 800th anniversary year. The Festival celebrates the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and most of the 160 events are free and open to the public. Many are targeted specifically at young people.

They include talks by authors Michael Morpurgo, Patrick Ness, Caroline Lawrence and Anna Perera, debates on everything from gender politics [Becoming Barbie] and the recession to the future of the Middle East, human rights and the long-term appeal of Wuthering Heights. There are Javanese puppetry workshops, a conference on women in comics, a day in the life of a Medieval Muslim, an interactive Prehistory Day, a session on the law of murder, another on whether criminology can reduce crime, an 1858 school lesson, a plant orchestra and much, much more.

For more information go to www.festivalofideas.org
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