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I'm okay but...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I started cutting when I was depressed.. The depression ended and I
started cutting less but, although I'm okay, I still have the urge to cut..
Witch I don't understand.. Because I read everywhere that some people cut
till the main problem is solved and other continue to cut because of some
pressure and things like that on their life.. But I have nothing..! I cut
because I'm sad and when I'm happy.. and that's just stupid.. I mean, I
think it's stupid of me still doing it because there's a lot of people facing big
problems, who have real reasons to do it but I..... I'm just confused 'cause I
don't understand it at all..


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi there Anahrkas :wave:

    Welcome to the site! Hopefully you will find lots of support here.

    It sounds confusing trying to work out whats going on. It can be tricky to talk about your feelings so well done for voicing your concerns here. It doesn't sound like you're stupid to me :)

    If you want some info about self-harm try our pages and let us know whether the info is helpful. You might prefer to talk to someone to help you sort out whats going on - counsellors can be good for this - you can get referred via your GP. Or if you'd prefer you could try calling SANEline - they've got loads of experience in helping people who self harm whatever the reason and are very supportive.

    Take care and keep posting to let us know how you get on :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The problem is.. I thought that when the depression ended the urges would end too.. and they didn't.. :(
    cat_treats wrote: »
    If you want some info about self-harm try our pages and let us know whether the info is helpful.
    Thanks for the support.. :) I've read the articles and yes, the info is very
    useful.. but I still have some questions.. =S Like... the last time cut.. I felt
    pain, and normally I don't feel it.. What's going on..? :confused:
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