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And I thought I was screwed up b4 ??!?!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Okay an Update.
I fancy him, He fancies me. I want to go out with him, he wants to go out with me. simple enough ? yeah I think so !
BUT ! he fancies my best mate too....and....... I'm forbidden to go out with him, as she fancies him back...(she has a boyfriend already)
She will "hate me if I go out with him". and thats a direct quote.
what the sod am I supposed to do now? If I go out with him, I lose my best friend, If I don't, I'll lose the chance to have him as my boyfriend.
Please...all comment welcome.....anything..anything at all!
Thanx .. TheShyGirlBeth xXx


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i was just wondering, are you in high school because this is exactally the kind of thing i remember happening when i was in high school.

    the situation is now far too complicated and you should just walk away. also this guy says he likes both you and your friend which is never a good sign. say that your friend doesnt mind and you go out with him, your going to feel like poo if he suddenly decides he likes her more.

    now i know you think you really like him but just leave it be to save the situation with your friend and you turning sour. this way you get to stay friends with both this guy and your friend and there is no problem.

    lastly if you and him are 'destined' to be together then once this situation has died down a bit things might work out that you two get together. but dont try and force thing and try not to spend all your time thinking about him, learn to juggle or just spend more time with your friends.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Grow up for fuck sake, sorry to be nasty but its so god damn fucking easy

    But i'm with holding the answer:p :p:p

    Try the nasty way

    Go out with this lad, then tell you mate if she stop's being you friend you will tell her bf that she fancy's someone else, that should go down well :p :mad: :rolleyes:

    Or let your friend rule your life, Do you really fancy this lad or is it just cos your mate likes him you want him? or is it the other way round you friend only wants this lad because you do?

    It wont last with this lad, they never really last at your age, and you stand to risk losing a best friend, but if your so called best friend is going to put her own feeling above your she not really a good friend. She already got a bf as you say she being greedy.

    I don't like to gang up on my fellow man, but Tim sound like a shit head, tell him to chose one of you and have done with it!!
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