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New BBC2 programme - Democracy in Action

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey there :wave:

A new BBC programme called Democracy In Action for BBC2 needs your help. The programme will also be seen in schools around the UK. Democracy In Action aims to explain how politics works in the UK from your local parish or town council right up to the influence of the EU. The idea is to investigate how people can affect change, nationally or locally, by starting in their local area.

Are you passionate about something in your local area? Are you annoyed that public transport is so expensive? Are you worried about something happening in your town? Do you feel that your town is not taking climate change seriously?

Whatever it is that you care about, if you are speaking to your local council about it, already campaigning or wondering what to do next - the BBC want to hear from you!

Preferably you will be over 16, but you don't have to be. Please email Nicola Cutcher on nicola.cutcher@bbc.co.uk stating the local issue that concerns you and what you plan to do about it. Don't worry, sending an email doesn't commit you to anything as we know you may have exams and summer plans :)
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