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evidence to a meeting

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
I was called into a meeting which i was given a warning on my record over some out of date item that was left on the shelf for 2 weeks. At the time of the meeting i didnt know what to say/was in shock and accepted it.

I then came home and realised that, actually it might not be my fault (it was a busy 2 weeks and we didnt have enough staff) i had to to other jobs first before doing that job (which might of left me an hour to do it, when it takes 8 hours)

I will be bringing this up on monday, but i just want to know - is it them that need to find the evidence that i did it or me, who didnt?


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have you got a union? They can normally give you advice about stuff like this.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think we have a union, but the member who worked with us left and there was no one to replace him.
  • Olly_BOlly_B Posts: 222 Trailblazer
    Hi Joshmeister,

    Sounds a tricky situation.

    You need to be a member of the union for them to help you, so you'll be paying a subscription (either direct from your salary or via Direct Debt or another payment method). Your union should be able to help you even if there isn't a local representative.

    Depending on what sort of action your employer takes will depend on what evidence they need. If they just give you a warning then there is little requirement for evidence, but if they dismiss you as a result then you could claim unfair dismissal and take them to a tribunal, in which case they would need to have evidence of your shortcomings.

    You may want to get expert advice, either from your local Citizens Advice Bureau or ACAS on 08457 47 47 47.

    Hope this helps,

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