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Meet the natives

**helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,233 Supreme Poster
Want to help out in a Channel 4 doc? Here are the details:

KEO films, an independent television company, are looking for people between the ages of 17 and 22 years who are interested in showing the Amish about life in Britain for young people.

They are filming a follow-up to their Channel 4 documentary series ‘Meet the Natives’, which will involve a group of Amish from America in their late teens/early twenties discovering the UK, where they experience what life is like beyond the Amish community. You would need permission from your family to let the Amish visitors to stay in your home from mid-June to late-July for one week, and be filmed by a television crew. The costs of their Amish-guests’ stay will be covered.

If you are interested or would like more information, contact Carla Berzon on 020 7490 3580 (ex:1026) or email her carla@keofilms.com. You can visit the website: www.keofilms.com
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