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is this harassment

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
i work Tuesday to Saturday and on Monday my wife hurt her back ,i called my line manager Monday and told him i wouldn't be in Tuesday as my wife had hurt her back and we have no one to look after our 2 small children ,all your family live over 40 miles away ,he told me someone will come and pick my van up from my home Tuesday morning as they need it ,this i didn't mind so today about 10:30 my manager and someone else turned up for the van they also wanted my tools and phone now when i started i was told on training the tools and phone are the companies but are signed out to you and your the one that is accountable for them IE any tools missing they will be replaced but at my cost and phone if its mis used i would be charged for the calls and they said if i lend the tools out to someone then thats down to me but will be charged if anything goes missing ,so i told them they can have the van but not the tools and phone so my manager called his manager who ended up saying to leave with just the van so they left about an hour later my manager is back on the door asking for the drill as this belongs with the van not my personal tools to save another hour stood at the door i gave him the drill and he left ,then they got the store man to call me 6/7 though out the day asking me questions the last call was about 6pm to say they want my phone and pda for the morning
the company i work for has a HQ and then a number of stores across england to me what we are told at HQ on training don't apply when you go to the stores your working from,can the really just call you as many time as they like and just come to your house when they feel when your off

i cant take working for theses Muppet anymore Ive applied for a number jobs but with no luck but can just leave as Ive got 5 kids who depend on me


  • Olly_BOlly_B Posts: 222 Trailblazer
    Hi Danny,

    Sorry to hear you have been having hassle with your company.

    Your case sounds quite specific ... if you are under 25 you may want to try our askTheSite service, which can provide a personalised response from an expert.

    Alternatively, you can try ACAS, who provide employer-employee relationship guidance and run a helpline: 08457 47 47 47.

    Or try your local Citizens Advice bureau, who may be able to provide you with guidance on your rights.

    Best wishes,

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If I have the day off and don't want to be bothered by anyone, I turn my phone off or cancel unwanted calls. it's as easy as that.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well if the phone is signed out to you then so long as it is signed back in when you give it back then they can have it and it'll stop them calling you, too, so everyone wins.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why don't you just give them the stuff and get a receipt for it? If they sign it from you then they're responsible. They get the tools, you get the peace, everyone's happy.

    No, I don't think they're being harassing or unreasonable.
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