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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

I am doing this on the sly a bit as it's not really my business, it's my mum's, but she is a bit stubborn about this and has put her head in the sand where the financial reality is money coming in < money going out.

Basically my dad was in the navy for about 10 years then worked in several different jobs, paid his national insurance / contributions etc. but died at 62 years old after about two years out of work due to illness.

I was wondering if my mum would be entitled to claim my dad's pension, afterall he paid in and did his service etc. and contributed to the 'pension pot'. I honestly don't know how the system works in the UK, did a quick google and found some info about the USA where you have a beneficiary or something but it wasn't really that clear.

If anyone knows about this it would be pretty helpful, I think she has contacted some advisors before but she was in a pretty bad way and from what she's told me they told her some nonsense (i.e. stopped my mums income support or whatever when she wasn't working because my sister started receiving EMA... ridiculous?). Or maybe she just can't recall that well.

It's tricky if I try to talk to my mum about it because she just doesn't like confronting the issue, but I worry if she puts it off now things will be worse in the future.


  • Soph001Soph001 Posts: 105 The Mix Convert
    Hey Shyboy, sorry your post has gone unanswered for so long. Are you still looking for answers?
    I've found a counselling and advice organisation for servicemen and women and their families: 020 7247 5164, www.atease.org.uk.

    In addition, the below specifically says that it answers pensions questions:

    Forces Association: 0116 266 5224, www.rafa.org.uk - To provide friendship and welfare support to all serving and retired personnel and their dependants. Run residential nursing home, short break care homes, sheltered and supportive housing facilities and family unit. Support through home and hospital visits and giving advice on war pensions and war widows pensions.

    Good luck, let me know if these work.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Soph, really thankyou for your response. I think it might be ok as with my brother moving out my mum might just sell the house and with the equity get someplace else or rent. But in a way it's a shame that she and my dad spent their working lives paying in to get this house and she is going to need to give it up despite the fact she works herself.

    I will ask though, thankyou :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As far as I'm aware, she should be able to claim a widowed parents allowance from the state, which these days takes into account the contributions made by the spouse.

    As for your dad's actual pension. If he has a company pension at all each pension scheme works differently. Some will allow widows to claim a certain percentage of the pension, others will simply pay back a lump sum of what's been paid into the scheme without interest.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had to look into a private pension my dad had with a local council when he died, and my younger brother and i both received part of this pension- until leaving full-time education. It also mentioned spouses receiving a pension, so i would guess that there is a possibility.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Small update:

    since it's looking likely my mum might be made redundant soon, she wanted to find out about benefits. So she contacted the benefits advisors, who advised her she was already elligible for income support and bereavement allowance or something and she had been for quite a long time. They can back date it for 6 months but she's a bit annoyed because the very same people told her about 18 months ago she wasn't entitled to any support because my sister was receiving EMA. I am wondering whether she can complain as she advised wrongly and receive it all backdated?

    Regardless, it's touch and go at the minute whether she can keep the house long term, but I think she'll have paid off enough of the mortgage that she could probably sell, and buy a smaller place outright.
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