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Evil epilator

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi, looking for a quick bit of advice!

I recently had to get a new epilator after my old one broke. The new one worked fine on my legs and produced great results, but it absolutely ripped my underams to shreds :( They ended up sore, red and bleeding, and I haven't dared to use deoderant on them for two days since!
Although I have quite a high pain threshold, I don't think it should be *that* painful? And I can't have an epilator that I can only use on my legs and not underarms (my old one coped with both alright).

So if I take it back to the shop I bought it from and ask for a refund, will they refuse as it's no fault of theirs, and refer me to the manufacturer? Would really like to get my money now so I can go for a different brand..
How would you play the refund game? :confused:

Thanks in advance for any replies x


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Maybe check out the store's returns policy and see if they will return used electrical items for cash refunds? They're usually on the back of the receipt. You could just take it back to the shop and see what they say, they might refund you or at least be able to point you in the right direction.
  • Saeed MSaeed M Posts: 270 The Mix Regular

    If it's still within six months of when you bought the item, the retailer has responsibility of this item. Have a look at this answer.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Any item that you buy must be fit for purpose and it is the retailer who is responsible for making sure it's fit for purpose.

    If you can't use it on your underarms, and the manufacturer's literature says it's suitable for underarm hair, you should be fine.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Cool, thanks for all your responses. I took it back and got a refund.. then went and bought a rival brand's one online ;)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    phew. This thread is not as evil as the title suggests. I was squirming when clicking on it, thinking I will regret it.

    Not really relevant to your question, but I think an epilator is a pretty funny thing, invented by a sick misogynist who wanked himself to sleep every night, that women around the world are in pain because of his invention.

    If I ever have a torture chamber I'm sure to have some epilators there.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lol sorry for the misleading title!

    Now you mention it though, my friend said that two of her housemates had epilators and she said the noise the things made when switched on had put her off for life - apparently "they sounded like sheep-shearers that belonged in a torture chamber" :lol:

    When you have your chamber, make sure to put in the Braun ones with their new 40-tweezer technology *shudders*
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yeah well i doubt it beats a friend of mine who used one on his nut sack..
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote: »
    yeah well i doubt it beats a friend of mine who used one on his nut sack..

    Why would someone do that?!:eek:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hes crazy..
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote: »
    yeah well i doubt it beats a friend of mine who used one on his nut sack..

    I can beat that...I have a friend who uses one on her "intimate area" and she got a bit of that area caught in the epilator :shocking: :crazyeyes: Had to go to hospital and everything. I would never, ever use one! They are vicious!
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