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HIP packs (moving house)

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi guys, just need some info about HIP packs - have asked estate agent but he just seems to say the same thing:banghead:

We are thinking of moving house, we need to sell ours so we need to get a HIP pack, what is in it? I know its stuff about the house but what stuff? Will it mention about the roof e.g. the condition of it?

I know its about £400 pounds and the estate agent said we only pay a deposit of £15ish, but what if we dont sell it soon (fingers crossed we do) or what if we pull out - do we still have to pay for the HIP?

I have seen on the T.V about having a HIP pack before you go on the market - does that mean you have to pay the £400 up front?

Thankyou for any info, I really apreachiate it :)


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