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Staying Sane

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I need some advice on staying sane, and holding it all together in times of stress. I've had mental health problems (self-harm) for some time ...7 years (some of you will already know this) and have been very up and down throughout the duration, it tends to be more episodic than chronic. I had a really bad breakdown just over a year ago and it took me a good 9 months to get myself on level footing, I'm in my final year so it's obviously a very stressful time but I've been really trying over the past 3 months particularly, going to all my lectures, going to the gym and going to counselling every week, once self harmed once or twice, been calling my friends when I need them etc. But lately it seems to be a case of horrrendous timing. I finished couselling last week, the university could only give me 6 sessions, I've started my exams properly and have a ton of work and exam to prepare for (I'm a language student, so everything comes at the end of the year) and well, I can just feel my sanity slowly ebbing away from me. I'm thinking about cutting more and more, and I'm wanting to drink all the time and missing some classes. I'm not currently on ADs but am planning on going back on then as of monday ( I find the first few weeks of side effects really rough and I'll be home for easter) I take seds a once or twice a week.
Any tips and hints on keeping it together? I'm trying to just take it all one week at a time but I'm really start to freak out and I'm scaring myself a little. Thanks for taking the time, sorry it got a bit long :)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I found that when i was at uni and in a similar situation, i asked for extra sessions and they were approved- if not... have you got a 'connexions' near you? they do free councilling for under 25s.
    My self harm is very episodic also, it comes and goes with major stress, like in the past few months my (now ex) bf cheated on me, and it got really bad, but now i'm feeling better and even on a med reduction program (go me!)

    hmmm there may be some free website... just thinking, I finished a course of CBT last year and my CPN told me i can continue it online. It may be worth having a search beause it helped me with my SH and also depression/anxiety.

    I'll take a look see if i can find the websites for you xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Girl gunner, Thanks for your post. I can understand your anxiety for the weeks and months ahead. You sound like you have alot on. It's good to see that you are seeing your Doctor and taking the medication that is being prescribed for you.

    Do you think the Uni could extend your sessions or would it be possible for you to have another six sessions? This may give you the further support you need to get through this important but understandably stressful time.
    This would also give you the time and space to explore the effects of stress and understand how you react to them. It may also provide you with coping mechanisms.

    Maybe you could try to prioritise your study and work load. Often ways of coping with work loads can be simple tools such as,
    A To Do List each day, have a filing cabinet with tabs 1 to 31 on them and you can put things into date order so you can spread your work and have a clear plan to follow. This will hopefully reduce your anxiety and increase your ability to concentrate on one thing at a time.
    It also enables you to focus on what you need to do right now as opposed to everything at once.

    From your post it is encouraging to see that you have a good grounding of your self awareness and that you are looking after yourself. It is great that you can recognise the effects that some of the medication has on you. It is also good to know you are preparing to restart your medication once you are in a stable and supported environment at home.

    You are making good progress on your steps to coping.

    I have included a link for you which you may find useful.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank you both for your responses,
    Skakitty I didn't realise conexxions was under 25s not under 20s I'm gonna have a look at that now! Those websites would be useful, thank you.
    In reposne to both of you, they can't give me any more sessions apart from one in 4 weeks to "see how i'm doing" I think it's all a bit stupid really, my counsellor said herself that I definitely needed more sessions but there is nothing she can do as that is the policy.
    Thank you tartanlady for the link, and the advice I am trying to go with a to do list, but I like the idea of the 1-31 for days of the months. even just as a planner so I keep busy and don't start wallowing. Thanks again.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ohh I just looked and the connexions is only avaliable on the phone or text or messages >< - when i went (this was back in 2003) they had a councilling place in the connexions i went to (elephant and castle) pah! I will get those websites for you, stay stong! xxx
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