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My life is going no were :(

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Okay here's goes...... At the moment i'm not going college anymore because the course is just sh*t so i'm not going anymore ive been doing the same course for 3 years on and of so ive just decided not to go again.

Ive got low self asteam and no confidence i'm intelligence but i can't get it out because i'm not that bright. Ive got rubbish GCSEs so theres no many things i'm good at i'm great at helping people with healthy eating etc..

I live at home with my nan who isnt well at the moment and i'm looking after her with my granadad and its a hard job but i'm not botherd thats one of the reasons ive left college to look after her

I would love to go college in a September to do something about healthy eating but with low selfasteam, no confidence, rubbish GCSEs and looking after my nan i don't think i'm gonna get there.

I just needed to get this out before i go bonkers :) Thanks for listening :)


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What about doing something like diet & nutrition through college but part time or maybe through distance learning?

    If you try something like the open university they offer alot of nutrition related courses that you can do at home. They do look expensive but they offer help and cost reductions depending on your circumstances.
    So a course, for example, may be about £400 but they will pay £350 of it and provide you with an amount to cover expenses of equiptment and books etc.

    I know what it's like to have no confidence but you can't let it get you down and stop you living your life. Sometimes it does take people a while to find something they really enjoy, I know people who have done 4 or 5 different college courses before finding one they like!
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