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Magazine publishes 'tribute' edition of Jade Goody while still alive



Everyone knows pornographer Richard Desmond, proprietor of OK, is the lowest form of scum imaginable, but even for him and the usual standards of British downmarket press and magazines, this must be a new record.

I've refrained so far from making a thread about this sickening media circus about Ms. Goody but this just takes the biscuit.

If I had any spare cash I'd piss off out of the country this very sorry epidose is finished. Another Diana moment of collective hysteria and shameless opportunism is upon us I fear...
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Although, one presumes, Desmond published this with the full backing of Jade ... in very poor taste, either way.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    While I'm sure the tribute edition was sanctioned by Jade, I'd be surprised if she had agreed for it to be published while she's still alive.

    Rather sickening, either way.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They aren't the only premptive ones. She must be the only celebrity outliving jokes about her death.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    tbh, i have no idea why she desevres all this publicity
    she's a racist, a pig, just all other a horrid person
    and yet she's still getting it, it pisses me off to see so called "celebrities" getting all the attention when they've done nothing worth while to get it, peaches, paris hilton, both daughters of rich parents that don't deserve the publicity
    any way, anyway from that rant
    my mums really good friend has got cancer, she has a 7yr old daughter and and 17yr son, and is she getting the publicty no. My friend his half sister has just been diagonsed with lukemia, is she gonna get that sort of publicity, NO! seriously, wtf is up with the media in our country??

    it makes me sick, the above is just one example y i don't buy the bull crap magazines like OK, and HEAT

    rant over
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well, normally when there are tributes people say it's sad the subject didn't get to see them.

    This way, she gets to see them.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Still...the 'favourite memories' look like they amount to her being pregnant and having kids.
    Pretty sure she's not the only woman doing that in the UK right now...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    OK will obviously do a big spread on the funeral too. It's shameful.

    Diana's death was a media circus too, but at least most people rather liked her whilst she was alive (although she was certainly no saint). But Jade was public enemy number 1 not so long ago. They whole this is hypocritical bullshit. I'm sick of hearing about it. I feel sorry for her boys but I'm sick of it.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Buy the previous edition of Private Eye (the one with Sir Fred Goodwin on the cover). Inside their is a brilliant parody of Jade Goody.

    The woman makes me sick and the fact that she has kids and a terminal illness changes nothing. She still remains a deeply ignorant, bigoted person who has succeeded in championing the values of ignorance and prejudice amongst a generation of naive and impressionable people.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I love it that she said she hoped she entertained and gave people laughs. I wonder if she realises they were laughing *at* her.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin, you might wish to know that this isn't the first time that Dirty Desmond has used his publications to print incorrect, often offensive bile about this woman. Back on Monday 2nd March, the Daily Star - an incredibly poor-quality newspaper which has had its reporting condemned recently - published a front page called "JADE GOODY: MY LAST WEEK". I honestly wish I was making this up - I will upload a picture of the page if I can find one. Express Newspapers have covered this story appallingly, but the Daily Star has been the very worst of a bad bunch. As a publication, it is simply beyond contempt. I'm glad to say its sales figures reflect that too.

    From a personal perspective, I find most of the coverage of this extremely unedifying. Whilst I don't think cancer victims should be hidden away from society, this sort of tabloid freak show is completely inappropriate. I also suspect that it isn't Jade Goody who is actually making all these decisions herself - not for nothing does Max Clifford get involved in these things. His sole interest, all too often, is making as much money as possible for his client. He should be thoroughly ashamed of himself.

    Those keyboard warriors who have used internet forums to spread hateful message about Goody should also be condemned. The woman is dying of cancer, and they decide to kick her whilst she is down. How disgusting.
  • SkiveSkive Posts: 15,285 Skive's The Limit
    I think people fail to see the positive in her very public decline. The fact that cervical cancer screening has gone through the roof outweighs any negative arguments I've seen.

    The question on why she deserves the attention and others don't may be good one, but one thing is clear it's not her fault. Blame Joe public - they're the ones paying for this celebrity culture. I don't know how you can blame Jade for cashing in on it, especially when the money is for her kids education.

    And I think the reason people are intrested in this is because most of us will closely experience cancer sometimes in our lives. Many of us will get it. Even those who hate her must relaise it's a tragic story - all such stories are.
    Weekender Offender 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote: »
    I think people fail to see the positive in her very public decline. The fact that cervical cancer screening has gone through the roof outweighs any negative arguments I've seen.

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Don't blame Joe Public, blame Max Clifford.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote: »
    I think people fail to see the positive in her very public decline. The fact that cervical cancer screening has gone through the roof outweighs any negative arguments I've seen.

    The question on why she deserves the attention and others don't may be good one, but one thing is clear it's not her fault. Blame Joe public - they're the ones paying for this celebrity culture. I don't know how you can blame Jade for cashing in on it, especially when the money is for her kids education.

    And I think the reason people are intrested in this is because most of us will closely experience cancer sometimes in our lives. Many of us will get it. Even those who hate her must relaise it's a tragic story - all such stories are.

    ^^^ Most sensible post of the whole tread.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Can't say I care either way - mock hysteria is mock hysteria whether it comes from OK or its opponents
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote: »
    I think people fail to see the positive in her very public decline. The fact that cervical cancer screening has gone through the roof outweighs any negative arguments I've seen.

    Screening uptake was on the rise before Goody was diagnosed. Potentially she is a factor but it will remain to be seen whether there is any lasting impact. If there is, then it would be doubly ironic that she ignored her own results.

    I'm sick to the back teeth of hearing about this woman. It's a self-sustaining media circus, with a claim that people want to hear about it, whilst the facts are that we cannot escape hearing about it, whether we want to or not.

    If she saves the life of another person, then that is all well and good, but it won't change the fact that she's a talentless wonder, and that any good that comes of this media is essentially by luck rather than by design. This was a money-generating exercise, not a philanthropic exercise.
  • SkiveSkive Posts: 15,285 Skive's The Limit
    Mist wrote: »
    This was a money-generating exercise, not a philanthropic exercise.

    And who can blame her. She's dying, leaving two young kids behind and she's generating money to leave them in the best way she can. I'm no fan hers, but I really can't understand how such a story gets you all worked up.

    I see it simply as a dying woman making money out of her own death so that she can leave something for her two young kids. The fact that others find this a story worth following inconviences you somehow - well boo fucking hoo.
    In the scheme of things you really havn't got much to moan about have you? Especially when you compare it to the problem the woman your attacking has got.

    Without any intrest there wouldn't be a story. If you have a problem with celeb culture blame the people behind it - the poeple buying OK and Heat.
    Just because you and I don't want to hear about doesn't mean that others don't want to read it and that it doesn't sell papers - it quite clearly does. Nothing like the death of celeb to make the masses consider their own mortality.
    Weekender Offender 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote: »
    I'm no fan hers, but I really can't understand how such a story gets you all worked up..

    Worked up is pretty strong. I don't spend my every waking moment moaning about Jade Goody. Also I don't resent Jade for getting some cash out of her situation. What I object to is the mass hysteria over it that has practically overnight turned Jade from a sinner into a saint.

    And yes, I absolutely blame the herd of people behind it.
  • SkiveSkive Posts: 15,285 Skive's The Limit
    Mist wrote: »
    Worked up is pretty strong. I don't spend my every waking moment moaning about Jade Goody.

    Just the impresion I get from the fact that you dedicated a blog entry about it, replied to 2 threads about it, and in your own words you're 'sick your back teeth' about it.
    Mist wrote: »
    What I object to is the mass hysteria over it that has practically overnight turned Jade from a sinner into a saint.

    Sinner or saint, her story is a tragic one. It is sad, and I think people do genuinely feel sad for her. It's an emotional story and that's why people are intrested.
    Mist wrote: »
    And yes, I absolutely blame the herd of people behind it.

    Yep. I'm no fan of celeb culture. I can't sand big brother and other such shows - I don't watch much TV really, but it's each to their own when it comes to entertainment. And as long as people continue to find such programs entertaining, celebs such as Jade will exist.
    Weekender Offender 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mist wrote: »
    If she saves the life of another person, then that is all well and good, but it won't change the fact that she's a talentless wonder, and that any good that comes of this media is essentially by luck rather than by design.

    Whether or not she's talented is irrelevant really, I'd bet my left ball that at least one person who's gone for a smear because of Jade will have had their life saved. If you considered her to be talented would that make it all OK?

    I don't let it bother me really, I can change the channel or skip a page in the newspaper if I don't want to hear about something. Like I say, even if one more person goes for that smear test then the whole media circus is more than worthwhile.

    She's made an arse of certain things in her life, but who hasn't at some point? The whole point of being a mother is to provide for her children, until any of us are in the position that she is then we're no-one to judge. There's clearly far more worthy targets for public derision than a young mother on her deathbed.

    I certainly don't "object" to the public offering Jade a bit of humility when the girl's about to die.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    fionafiona wrote: »
    Don't blame Joe Public, blame Max Clifford.

    Max Clifford isn't the one who buys the magazines. Max Clifford doesn't watch the "specials" on Living or MTV. Joe Public does.

    A lot of these people are only famous because the public make them famous. You can't blame Jade for trying to milk the public for as much as she can so her sons will stay looked after.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have to agree that this magazine issue was very tasteless indeed and I think the whole media circus is an insult to people who have been touched by cancer.

    Why has Jade been paid for this? Surely the money generated by revenue from media sales should be going to cancer charities such as Cancer Research and Macmillan?

    Unfortunate as it is, due to television appearances, perfume and book sales, she was already a millionairess before she was diagnosed with cancer, so her sons will already be richer than most of us can dream of.

    Of course it is sad she is dying of cancer, my heart goes out to her and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy; but at the end of the day, racists and bullies should not profit from simply talking to a magazine about their predicaments.
  • SkiveSkive Posts: 15,285 Skive's The Limit
    HunnyPot wrote: »
    I have to agree that this magazine issue was very tasteless indeed and I think the whole media circus is an insult to people who have been touched by cancer.

    How is it?
    My mother battled cancer for 5 years before she died. I don't see how this is insulting at all? :confused:
    HunnyPot wrote: »
    Why has Jade been paid for this? Surely the money generated by revenue from media sales should be going to cancer charities such as Cancer Research and Macmillan?

    That's right, we should tell a dying woman what she should be doing with the money she's making from her own death.
    I know if I was in the same situation ALL the money would be going to my kids. Ask any parent what that most important thing in the world is.
    HunnyPot wrote: »
    Unfortunate as it is, due to television appearances, perfume and book sales, she was already a millionairess before she was diagnosed with cancer, so her sons will already be richer than most of us can dream of.

    'Unfortunate as it is'?
    As far as I'm aware she's had money problems and she's trying to leave as much as she can for her sons before she dies. How is that different than any good parent.

    Is envy the reason why you don't liek Jade, because that's what it reads like.

    If you don't liek celeb culture fair enough, and if you don't like Jade fair enough. But using her death as way to attack her is both tastless and cheap.
    Weekender Offender 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well shes dead now.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    HunnyPot wrote: »

    Unfortunate as it is, due to television appearances, perfume and book sales, she was already a millionairess before she was diagnosed with cancer, so her sons will already be richer than most of us can dream of.

    I think if the boys had a choice between their mum, and the money I think they'd choose their mum, don't you?

    She has made all that money to provide for her children, she was in the fortunate position that she could do so.

    It's NO different than me having life insurance. In fact, people with life insurance have to work a lot less to ensure their loved ones are provided for if they die.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think its so so sad :(

    those poor boys. mothers day is going to be hard in future anyway but to be the anniversary of her death. just, sad :(
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere wrote: »
    I think if the boys had a choice between their mum, and the money I think they'd choose their mum, don't you?

    so why did she choose to just do telly and magazine interviews to make money then instead of spending her last few weeks/months in quality time with her children?

    The whole thing was distasteful, but im as glad that she isnt suffering anymore
  • SkiveSkive Posts: 15,285 Skive's The Limit
    so why did she choose to just do telly and magazine interviews to make money then instead of spending her last few weeks/months in quality time with her children?

    Did she not do both?
    I don't think you can knock her intentions at all.
    Weekender Offender 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well shes dead now.

    pretty callous way to put it.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Either way, her kids are set up for life.
    They're so young that by the time they're doing daft things at 16 there will be someone else in the spot light so I hope they won't be hounded by the press. Bless them, they're only 5 or something.

    I also worry about the angry press that will inevitably happen as soon as Jack is caught on a night out with someone else.
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