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Worried About My Friend

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
He started smoking weed bout 3 years ago and he has recently got bored of the stuff cuz it aint having the same effect on him as it used to so he started doing E which in itself scared the hell outta me, i dont do any kinda drugs myself..the drink is enough for me :thumb: Hes now recently gotten bored of E and is thinking of doing coke and im litrally shitting it, hes already had a few near misses on E and im so scared summat bad will happen :( I kno most of you are going to tell me to stop being stupid but i cant help worry bout him. How do i talk to him bout how i feel without making him mad at me and getting us both upset?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Your'e being a brill friend showing concern which is what anyone would do.Sit down with him and just voice your'e concerns tell him your'e worried.he understand i'm sure x:yes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He started smoking weed bout 3 years ago and he has recently got bored of the stuff cuz it aint having the same effect on him as it used to so he started doing E which in itself scared the hell outta me, i dont do any kinda drugs myself..the drink is enough for me :thumb: Hes now recently gotten bored of E and is thinking of doing coke and im litrally shitting it, hes already had a few near misses on E and im so scared summat bad will happen :( I kno most of you are going to tell me to stop being stupid but i cant help worry bout him. How do i talk to him bout how i feel without making him mad at me and getting us both upset?

    How do you mean a few near misses ...what kind of near misses?
    Like other poster said ...speak of your concerns but ...over a drink maybe ...not in a lecturing manner.
    Hold your hands up that your ignorant and tell him your interested in his need for these things as well as concerned.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He started smoking weed bout 3 years ago and he has recently got bored of the stuff cuz it aint having the same effect on him as it used to so he started doing E which in itself scared the hell outta me, i dont do any kinda drugs myself..the drink is enough for me :thumb: Hes now recently gotten bored of E and is thinking of doing coke and im litrally shitting it, hes already had a few near misses on E and im so scared summat bad will happen :( I kno most of you are going to tell me to stop being stupid but i cant help worry bout him. How do i talk to him bout how i feel without making him mad at me and getting us both upset?

    I'd be interested in the 'near misses' too. Alcohol and cigarettes kills more people that E's do every year.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Also although your concerned do be aware that there is often a big divide in perspective between people who do and dont' take drugs. So for me i'm not worried about friends who take coke at weekends and on the occasional school night but not every day vs a friend who has a serious heroin problem. Just be aware that if you come accross as too patronising you could end up isolating him from you further...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Agreed with Wyetry.

    It's a difficult subject to comment on without really knowing the person. I mean, every one of my mates (and myself) indulge on the weekends, usually with a different number of drugs and we're OK. We've never hit a point where we've actually needed it to cope with day-to-day life or to enjoy ourselves. It just enhances.

    I'd also like to hear about these near misses too. As long as your friend does some research and knows his limits then he shouldn't have any problems! Although, as I said, it's hard to judge seeing as we don't actually know the person involved.

    ETA: But fair play for being worried about your mate and asking for advice! He's lucky to have such a cool friend.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The near misses are that he has had to have his stomach pumped twice now because he has taken some dodgy stuff from someone in a club on both occasions...being there both times seeing it happen is summat ill never forget :(

    Ive tried talking to him before over drinks and he has just gone off on one and got angry saying that i dont understand cuz i dont do anything like it, which is fair enough cuz i dont understand but he gets rele overly defensive about it, ive only ever spoke to him bout it once before i came on her to get advice so it was rele scary cuz hes not usually like that bout stuff :(

    Thanks for all the comments so far :)
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