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Slight housing problem

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Myself and 3 friends are looking for somewhere to live next year as we're in halls at the mo. We've seen 3 places so far and have got another to see tomorrow.

First house we saw was a bit small and I clocked some damp in one of the rooms, but it was cheap and on a decent bus route.

Second was actually a flat in a converted Victorian house. Was a bit more expensive but on a good bus route and close to a supermarket and a pub. I quite liked it, it appealed to my eccentric nature (ie odd shaped rooms and a stupidly narrow wooden staircase.) The others hated it.

The third place, however they all loved. This is where the problem lies. I wasn't so keen. The house WAS lovely BUT it was a lot more expensive than the other two and I didn't like the location. The three nearest places are a cemetary, an industrial estate and the hospital I go to to see my psychologist. Nice. It is also on two rather crap bus routes and there's no pub/supermarket/shops nearby except for a chip shop and a newsagent. The last bus from the uni is at 10:30 and the last from the city centre is 11 so going out is going to be a problem. Also the distance to everywhere is going to be a problem for me trying to carry stuff because of my back. Two of the housemates have offered lifts here, there and everywhere but I somehow doubt they're gonna wanna pick me up after a night out or take me shopping. They even said that they would pick me up from the uni after a night out if I get a bus to campus. I'm sure they're gonna really appreciate me calling at stupid o'clock asking for a lift. But I can't afford a taxi everytime and I don't fancy the 30-40 minute walk back from campus most likely on my own.

Sorry for the length but I really don't know what to do, any ideas?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    do they not share your concerns about the location, bus service etc then?
    three houses isnt many to look round, we looked at about 10. i'd say persuade them to look round more and hopefully find one that you all agree on. if one of you isnt happy, it's not fair. you've all got to live there. better to find one you're all happy enough with than one two love and one hates.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not really. They just said something about getting to know neighbours for safety purposes and not walking alone at night and how they would drive everywhere. Which is ok for Jill and Adam as they both have cars. But Will and I can't drive and Will can't even ride a bike so he will have to walk it everywhere. Jill and Adam driving isn't something we can rely on. They won't always be around, willing or able to drive us to places.

    I am trying to persuade them to look at other places but they are being quite stubborn. I hope the one tomorrow is good because the location is much better, but I guess it'd have to be a nice house to swing it with the others.

    Oh yeah. They said that I will 'warm to it'....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Tell them to wise up, being close to shops, pubs, good bus routes etc is far more important than living in a nice house. You'se are students ffs, hardly as if you'll be living there the rest of your lives.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Try implanting little niggles of doubt in their heads about the place they like and stress that you're really not happy about moving there and if it comes to it you wil have to find somewhere and someone else to live with.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yerascrote wrote: »
    Tell them to wise up, being close to shops, pubs, good bus routes etc is far more important than living in a nice house. You'se are students ffs, hardly as if you'll be living there the rest of your lives.

    Indeed, two of us only there for a year (on year abroad degrees.) I've been fairly laidback with the househunt, not nearly as fussy as some people but I'd really like to be in a good location. I get the feeling that people are being blinded by shiny new bathrooms and kitchens with gadgets rather than the actual practicalities of this.

    I am trying to stress my concern but it's falling on deaf ears. I don't really know how to convince them as everything I say is met with some 'solution' or another.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just to update the house today was great and we all loved it. Just need to think on it and then hopefully ring the landlord :D it's 1 minute from a bus stop, near several pubs, a co-op and an Iceland and is a 5 minute walk from the city centre. And it's £30 a month cheaper than the other place :D
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