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Who needs love??

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
What are you best methods of beating the blues and ways of falling out of love(I'm not in love yet, not even got anybody to start with) But I'm thinking ahead.

Also best way of fighting loneliness and keeping the tears behind the smiles

Is it best to show tears when you hurt or bottle it up and feel sad and unhappy when your on your own??

Also i thought i try spice up the Relationship board, it seem too quite!:p


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yeah, it is too quiet.

    for me - beating the blues = shopping, shallow i know but it works. *we are living in a material world and i am a material girl*

    falling out love = time is a healer

    beat loneliness, maybe someone could tell me, quite a lonely period in my life

    i think the best way to sink the blues is to think about the future, and imagine yourself becoming stronger with every setback you face.

    ah im talking shitehomercrawl.gif
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Who needs love??

    Must agree with leese about falling out of love--just takes time. A little distance helps too, so that you don't have to see them and therefore think about them constantly.

    Beating the blues--Music! Walks on lovely days. Going out for coffee with friends - nothing elaborate, just hanging out. Reading a good book. It's easier to be happy in summer, I find. :)

    Fighting loneliness is good, but hiding tears is not. It's best to just cry when you hurt. Easier to deal with. Bottling it up is very harmful. Took me a while to learn that. ;) If you let the tears out you let it out of your system, and you feel better faster.

    As for fighting loneliness, I tend to turn on music or the television.. if only for background noise. Or go window shopping, just to be around people if my friends are busy. It's also a good idea to get involved in clubs and societies. I used to go ballroom dancing, and I really miss it. It's fun, it fills your time, and you meet new people. :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lonelyness is a time to hold close to your friends and smile that u dont have to worry bout bf troubles and whether he's cheatin on u or not. Lonelyness is stayin in ur room cryin ur eyes out askin y u havnt got anyone to hold or why no one likes you... never let that lonelyness consume u into the darkness...or you'll have me to deal with :D
    Leave your heart open to love becoz you mit never get asked to love again. Don't give up cause where there is light there's always hope.
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