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Possibly diabetic?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey, long time member but first time I've posted (or even visited) for absolutely yonks!

I went to the doctors on Monday cos I've been getting pins and needles in my hands and feet a lot. Usually just when I'm sat resting and not when I'm sitting in a weird place. It'll just come over me when I'm relaxed watching TV or something. Doctor took blood pressure and asked bout my alcohol intake (I've barely had 10 units since New Year). He asked me a few other questions which i didn't really think of much it; just like my housemates would say I drink excessive amounts of water and I'm always sleepy in the afternoons. I'm quite often lethergic at different stages of the day. He sent me for blood tests which I had yesterday.

During the tests I was asking what it was they were looking for. I'm being tested for type 1 diabetes. I've done bits of research on the net and it seems like I've got classic symptoms. There's no history of diabeties in my family (that I'm aware of).

To be honest I'm pretty scared now. I've always been really active and the first thing I thought of was how it would affect sport (turns out not so much; Steve Redgrave is diabetic and he did alright!). I've played football at a semi professional level, run 2 marathons in the past 9 months and am on the verge of breakin 3hrs for a marathon but now I feel like my body has let me down. I'm already quite careful about what I eat and drink. The more I think of it the longer the signs have been there. I've been lethargic at the same points in the day for years and always put it down to bad or not enough sleep. That or thinkin that it was the same for everyone.

I'm not sure what I wanted to achieve by posting it here but guess I'm looking for someone to say they've been through it. Its weird that in the last week I've played pretty well in two games of football and ran about 20miles over the week but now i feel really weak


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've not been through it, but I've been backpacking round Switzlerand who has, who's one of the most active people I know and who's also walked up Ugandan mountains.

    If it turns out to be diabetes then you'll need to learn to manage it but as you've spotted, if you don't let it then it won't hold you back (Steve Redgrave style)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ego wrote: »
    To be honest I'm pretty scared now. I've always been really active and the first thing I thought of was how it would affect sport (turns out not so much; Steve Redgrave is diabetic and he did alright!). I've played football at a semi professional level, run 2 marathons in the past 9 months and am on the verge of breakin 3hrs for a marathon but now I feel like my body has let me down.

    One of my friends because MORE active after he was diagnosed with (pretty severe) type 1 diabetes. He was generally sporty before, but now he runs marathons and half marathons every couple of months. Treatment had made him feel 100% better.

    On the other side of the coin, my husband has all the classic symptoms, and yet is not diabetic, so it might turn out to be nowt!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had to have tests for being a possible diabetic. And it was worrying but it is better to know than never know. So I would always say if you think you may be visit your GP for a blood test.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For a few years now I've had blood tests for diabetes and it has never occured but I do suffer from alot of the symptoms that come with it.

    As long as you take your medication and listen to the advice from the diabetic nurse/Dr you can lead a normal active healthy life!
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