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Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't still get why it's such a taboo for them two to use each others OS'. People forget they've been friends for years. I still prefer Bill though, he cares about technology and people, Steve is just the money these days from his past.

    If only they worked together. Just watched it, nice vid.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Chalk and cheese. Having them work together would have just been a power struggle with no agreement on which direction products should go, and there would have been far less progress as a result.

    Bill didn't care about technology and people! He possibly strived to push the boundaries during the early years, but over the last 15 years, MS has been about market domination, removing competing products and companies using any means available, regardless of their legality, or whether they were moral or ethical.

    The best possible match would have been Steve Wozniak and Paul Allen. At least in terms of "for the people".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In their own ways they've both change the entire world forever

    There's very few people on the planet that have done something that's had an influence on millions of people around the globe and overall I think their influence has been positive.

    I was really surprised how switched on Bill seemed about technology will develop and what people will want in the future - surprised because although he seems to know what people want - his company doesn't produce products which meet those expectations

    A friend of mine just bought a new Apple Laptop and after playing with it for a bit was kinda shocked at how little you actually get for the amount of money they charge - they don't even include a FireWire port on the laptop, or an SD Card slot and just purely on hardware you could have bought a similar spec PC Laptop for half the price.

    If Apple were the most popular computer in the world I wonder how much of a premium we'd all have to pay to own one. Although Microsoft charge a fortune for standalone copies of Windows & Office I do think they've helped reduce the price of hardware over the years by allowing their operating system to work on many kinds of computers and allowing the manufacturers to compete with each other and drive down costs.

    The interview was really interesting - it must have been so much fun to be involved in the computer industry back in the day.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The thing is you see, Microsoft bases their OS and products off what the market is currently in -- and where it is going to go. It's not their fault users aren't spending money on up to date hardware to run their up to date OS' or programs. I understand most of the programs they make are turd, but that's because they seem to push them out for a certain date, even if it's bug free to the best or not, which I bet if they change that policy, they'd do awesome work.

    Now, Apple on the other hand are greedy, plain greedy. They wonder why people use their OS with hacked Kernels, to run them on normal hardware, without the chipset that is checked by the TPM. If Apple didn't have this module installed, no doubt they'd easily get more than 10% of the market. But they sell their stuff at too high prices, for less of the quality. (Quality as in features, easy custom setups on now known as "Mac hardware". etc) Apple needs to change their model. The early years were about making an impact on the IT sector. Yes, they've achived that, but now it's about money since they've broken in, so to speak.

    We can't blame Microsoft for other companies using their OS as a base sale. It's Apples own fault - they know this, that's why they changed to the Intel chips, but that's not enough.

    I mean jesus, they complain that you can't use MacOSX on normal hardware (OSx86) even if you have a legit retail copy of MacOSX - since they're loosing money on the hardware front too.

    Oh and, if Steve and Bill worked together, Bill has way more money to develop things even if they are a failure, whilst Steve could work on the design concept. As afterall, that's the only major selling point of MacOSX right now - specially if most people who buy a MacOS PC don't even know about it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    DG wrote: »
    The interview was really interesting - it must have been so much fun to be involved in the computer industry back in the day.

    I heartily recommend finding a copy of "Pirates of Silicon Valley". It's brilliant if you're interested in stuff like that. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yeah I've seen it good movie
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