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Counselling - should I feel this way?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

I’ve recently started having counselling (2 sessions so far) and am struggling with how it’s making me feel.

Basically I was sexually abused by my father and now at 28 am finally ready to face things and get rid of these demons….. Ever since I can remember I have blocked things out which has had a negative effect on my life. Despite getting on ok with work and having plenty of friends I feel like I’m living my life “on the outside looking in.”

I’m 6 months away from qualifying in my current job (2.5 years of study already completed) and with exam pressures etc things are all starting to get on top of me and I feel like I’m about to crack – I’ve felt like this before but lately the feelings are stronger.

Anyway being a sensitive soul I thought counselling might help but it’s making me feel terrible, my counsellor doesn’t say much and I don’t feel connected to them and find it quite difficult during the awkward silences during our sessions (there have been a few) and this makes me talk rubbish and I leave the session feeling awful.

I appreciate that the process won’t be easy but wondering if anyone can advise of other ways to deal with the demons? I’m sure the problem is with me and not the counsellor but any advice would be much appreciated.



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think that the general idea is that you look at all the bad things at the beginning and then work togeather on strategies to over come them. But i think that you should also tell the consellor the way the sessions are making you feel and how your not clear about the process.

    But there are also lots of different types of counselling (I can't spell) out there so maybe you just need to look for a different sort?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi jonboy and welcome to thesite! :wave:

    Well done for posting and hopefully you'll get some replies that help you out. As Wyetry says, it might be good to speak to your counsellor about the process and what you can expect from them, and the sessions.

    There are different types of counselling, maybe have a look through this section of thesite that looks at different treatments, including counselling, to help with how you are feeling.

    Have you spoken to your doctor about how you are feeling? They might be able to suggest a different therapy or counsellor for you, and it can be nice just to get a second opinion on what you're going through.

    You're doing the right thing in seeking support with how you are feeling and hopefully this will just be a blip in the process, the first attempt to feel better might not always work, but there will be something that does! Hang in there and let us know how you get on.

    Keep posting! :thumb:
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