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Hep A Question?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
The missus has been rather ill for the last couple months or so, the GP has said she has Hep A. I am a little worried because me and my son are at risk of catching it as I know that it's highly infectious, but just how infectious is it? I mean, if you picked your nose, or had your fingers in your mouth and touched something, can it spread like that? What about kissing on the lips and sharing cups?

I'm going to see about getting me and the little one tested ASAP, the GP is also going to test her for B&C so I hope she is all clear there, especially so with C.

The missus also was told she has very high amounts of white cells in her live r, she also has bad pain near or around her right kidney and she has had bloody stalls, they are quite worried about the pain in her back but I am not sure why. I couldn't help thinking that it's something quite serious, more serious than Hep A (I know Help A isn't to be thought of minor illness) thought it maybe due to Hep?

Another question is, how does someone become infected with Hep A? I am always clean round the house, sometimes a bit OTT!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You can get vacinated against Hep A.
    But you can catch it through infected food & water, or other methods like either a fork or spoon that's unclean. If you are really that worried, prepare your own food and drink, and keep everything clean.

    You can use Wiki if you want to read more into it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    but sure the can treat hep A quite easily can't they?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    JavaKrypt wrote: »
    You can get vacinated against Hep A.
    But you can catch it through infected food & water, or other methods like either a fork or spoon that's unclean. If you are really that worried, prepare your own food and drink, and keep everything clean.

    You can use Wiki if you want to read more into it.

    I always cook and I am very hygienic, she isn't though.... she leaves the place until it is thick dirt which I find disgusting, nothing I say get's through so I spend 2-3hrs a day cleaning because she never cleans (sometimes the kitchen surfaces though) and leaves a trail of mess everywhere. I would of thought she would be cleaner for our son but she isn't, I found out that she doesn't even wash him regularly, leaves dirty nappies everywhere for days at a time, leaves pussy infected bandage pads in the bathroom and our room, and don't get me started on our sons bottles. I could go on, I think she is a slob.
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