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Is It PCOS Or Something Else? PLZ HELP!!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi ,i was wondering if anyone can help me. I have had problems with my period for a long time now, pretty much since i first started when i was 13, i took my 1st period then never took another for a yr exactcly,for the next 4-5 yrs i never took a period every month, sometimes i would go for 5 months without a period, i never really thought anything of it until i went to the toilet one night, halfway thru standing back up i felt this excrutiating pain in my lower abdoman and from my anus/vagina area (i find it hard to tell as its inside)i couldnt straighten myself and my stomach started to swell, this happens quite often and i'm almost 26 now, if i have sex about a week b4 i am due my period the pain can come after, sometimes it just comes on itself tho but the pain is awful and very scary, i have all the signs that say i have pcos and ive had blood tests that basically confirm it, i have excess hair on my arms,stomach,eyebrows,and the tops of my thighs, also i hav a few skin tags and i used to be slightly over weight, my periods are very painfull and in the past yr they seem to have got worse,my period is very heavy and lasts for around 6/7 days,l8ly tho i have been getting massive blood clots i always had little ones but these hav been scaring me alot l8ly, in the past 3 yrs i have taken my period every month. Also in between periods i have went thru weeks of getting a really dark almost blak/brown discharge,this has now progressed to a clear stringy dischargethat can sometimes be like dry sticky glue. I have no idea if this has anything to do with what i have but in the past month or so ive taken 2 kidney infections with extreme pain in my kidneys,i'm a little worried about this too but as i said i'm not sure if it could be linked. I've been doing alot of reading l8ly and the reason im writing this is to ask ppls advice on whether they think its pcos or if it could also be endimetriosis or the likes, i dont know why but something says there is something else,i forgot to mention that sometmes sex can be very uncomfortable...i almost feel like my partner is hitting off something inside me and thats what triggers the awful pain sometimes? i would really appreciate any comments u guys wish to add...thanks for ur time ....stacy xxx :)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Seeing your GP is probably the best idea.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    PCOS is really common and manifests in loads of different ways, so it could be but you should really see your GP.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sound like pcos my best friend got it got mostly them symptoms see u gp asap:yes:
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