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Creative consultants wanted

Olly_BOlly_B Posts: 222 Trailblazer
Citizens Advice is seeking creative young consultants to help us develop our services to young people

Citizens Advice is working in partnership with the charity YouthNet to support young people with crucial money advice. The project unites YouthNet’s success in reaching young people through their website the TheSite.org with Citizens Advice’s expertise in giving money advice to deliver expert information, advice and guidance on money-related issues to young people across the UK.

Through this project we are offering a unique opportunity for young volunteers to help us in designing tools and resources that will help Citizens Advice Bureaux (CABx) to reach out to young people about managing their money.

There are two ways that young volunteers can get involved in this project; as online consultants or by joining Citizens Advice as creative consultants.

Join us as online consultants
We are seeking a group of 15 online volunteer consultants who can review money related articles that are produced for YouthNet’s website, www.thesite.org, to ensure that they are relevant, interesting and accessible to young people.

You do not have to even leave your home for this opportunity. You just need to have access to the internet and a few hours to spare between January – March 09.

Join us as creative consultants
If you want to venture out and meet other young people then this may be the opportunity for you. We are recruiting 15 volunteers to train in good money management skills and then help us to design and package up resources that bureaux can use to engage young people in managing their money. How this is packaged is for you to decide. It could be a money ‘tool kit’, board game, website, or whatever your imagination fancies. No previous experience is needed but you do need to be able to commit to the following dates.

1. What is financial capability, an introduction to the project?
Friday 23rd January
Citizens Advice offices, London

2. Residential Weekend – Let’s get creative
Friday 27th February – Sunday 1st March
Venue to be arranged

3. Where do we go from here?
Friday 20th March
Citizens Advice offices, London

We pay full travel expenses and please contact us if you have any other requirements such as child care costs.

Contact us
For more information and to get involved in either of these opportunities please email Tina Mendolia by Wednesday 14th January.
Get Involved - tina.mendolia@citizensadvice.org.uk
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