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Now here's the deal...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
It all starts with this guy, as it always does. I like him. A lot. Have done for a while, but he's always been in the back of my head. Because here's the deal- he's my cousin. Before all the 'ewww's I should point out that we're not actually blood related, but our Mum's are best friends which means we've always called them our Aunties. So it's not that gross!!

But he's 18, I'm 15. He's had one long term relationship and it all ended in tears. She was the exact opposite of me.

Saw him last night, at his Mum's party. We were alone, just chatting but I was flirting a bit!! And my Dad came in, that was all I saw of him all night (well apart from staring!). Do I txt him dn tell him how I feel?! We don't see each other that much so it wouldn't be that embarrassing if he said no- so is it worth it?!



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if you like him alot just ask him and tell him how you feel and then ask how he feels. You never know he might just feel the same way about you so never give up and keep on trying

    go for it you lovely lady!!!!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey i call my friends mum's aunti too its jus we come from Philippines and its only natural to do so... i have a brother except he's not my brother we jus grew up together. If i felt for him it still wud b ok to ask him how he feels....In a twisted reality!!!! anyhow... you have to make sure that he likes u, and if u see the signs then u can ask him.. and if he says no... than u ca ask him why he has been givin u hints so u dont feel so embarased. Goodluck
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So infact, he's not your cousin. At all. So it's just like dealing with any other guy. He wont be freaked out or anything if you ask him, as you aren't actually cousins.

    If, as you said, you wont be all that embarassed if he says no, then go for it. You have nothing to lose.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Did it.

    Well, I kinda did txt him. Told him I liked him, and was quite proud of the txt I managed to put together.

    Got a reply at 1am when I was falling asleep- he was just getting in. Told me I'd txt his old phone... quite embarassing but we got talking and he kinda likes me too I think, I think it just came as a surprise!!

    My Auntie called about 10mins ago and asked to speak to me. Apparently she has his old phone :o:o:o .

    But she was dead sweet, said she's give me his new number (which I told her I already had) and she sounded dead happy- either she was trying not to laugh at my stupidity or she thinks I'd be a good influence on him!!!

    But I'm so glad I did it!!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aww thats so sweet.. its great that it worked out for u... embarrasin that ur auntie found out first and not him lol you see "she who dares wins!"
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