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Anyone fancy donating their 2p (of thoughts)

First off i split with my last partner pretty much a year ago. I have been single since, and contrary to any preconceptions some people might have on here, I've been remarkably well behaved.

There is a lady I know who is a little bit younger than me (Im 23, shes 19) who while i only met a few weeks ago, lives in the next village along from me, or she used to, she now lives in the centre of Durham. I met her outside the club i used to work in (quit the other week) before i started work. She was panicking as she thought she had missed her bus, I nicely directed her to the next best one to get her home and thats how i realised we lived near each other.

Four days a week we get the same bus from Durham to stockton on a morning, so always having some form of nattering away, as its a 45 minute journey.

I have so far in the time I have known her, rang her as soon as ive walked out of work about 80% of the time. About 50% of the time given her a quick ring on my lunch breaks at work. I have gone around her mum and dads, while they were away and cooked for her, had some wine and watched monty python, I all gentlemanly like slept on the sofa. I went around her new place after work the other day and we had pizza and back crunches (where you crunch your back into place, like cracking knuckles).

Though she has recently (couple of months ago) come out of a long term thing with a guy who is a little older than me, and also foreign. It got to the stage where he was like "i have got the woman now, i dont need to do the hugs and attention". All the time i have known her and spent time with her, she and him have been meeting up and proceeding to have an immediate disagreement. She has finally snapped, changed numbers, and cut ties with him.

I've seemingly gone from being the new and interesting mate, to being a bit of a not so much shoulder to cry on, but someone there to talk to, and she knows Ive been through a similar kinda thing with my ex not all that long ago really.

She also knows that im likely to be starting my army training in Feb/March time, and not once has pleaded me not to go (twisted trinity has though :thumb: ) and quite likes the idea of writing to me and keeping in touch lots.

Question is, knowing that I'm going in the army, do i do nothing at all, or remind her that I do like her a fair bit (which i did a bit ago) and just see how things go. Or just let things progress as they are? Its honestly the first person i've really liked, or let myself like in that way since i split with my ex.

I know its a long rant/post with plenty tangents in, but seriously guys and girls, what random thoughts do you have on the matter.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrG wrote: »
    Question is, knowing that I'm going in the army, do i do nothing at all, or remind her that I do like her a fair bit (which i did a bit ago) and just see how things go. Or just let things progress as they are? Its honestly the first person i've really liked, or let myself like in that way since i split with my ex.

    Let things progress naturally. Army training or not you cant force your feelings. You seem to have a good friendship with her and sometimes that worth more then a relationship.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah I'd agress with purplebutterfly, let things progress as they are, the most important thing is keeping in contact! I've got a couple of buds who are in the army as well, and they spend most of their time when they're on leave catching up with mates, and they end up being the most sociable people I know!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So basically just leave things the way they are?

    Its her birthday coming up a week on wednesday, and I have been asked to come out with her friends the following weekend. Got her a little present sorted for her birthday. So fingers crossed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would simply see how things go.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I believe in non violence, and don't like the idea of you turning into a squaddie...

    but i still don't want you to go...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    She also knows that im likely to be starting my army training in Feb/March time, and not once has pleaded me not to go (twisted trinity has though ) and quite likes the idea of writing to me and keeping in touch lots.

    However, army relationships can be tough. if you stay together she's going to have to accept that the cosy night in you were planning is having to be cancelled, that you'll be away for weeks/months at a time, sometimes in hell-holes (Germany springs to mine) and sometimes in places where the average person pays a fortune (skiing in Italy).

    I'd be tempted to say you're interested, but not get to serious for a bit to see if you can both cope when your doing basic. If you get that out of the way and you're both keen, think about being more serious
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My dad is in the army but he only joined recently because my mum wouldn't let him go! That, and it would have been too uprooting and horrible for the family. It's a completely different scenario when you've been married for 13 years and have children, because you know that you'll always be there for each other.
    It's a sticky place to start a relationship, I think. But, if you're both massively keen to do it, I don't see why not!
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