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Food Allergy Testing

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Could anyone share any info about food allergy testing? I know so many people nowadays have problems with dairy, wheat, gluten etc but is it worth going and having food tests done or would I be wasting my time and money? Is it easy enough to just work it out my self?

I have been suffering with bloated stomach, get dizzy and light headed and feel sick sometimes. I know if I eat too much bread or pasta it sets me off but I still get it when I'm eating other foods. (I am seeking medical advice with the dizziness and light head as it's causing quite a few problems)

Any info would be greatly appreciated!:)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey there :wave:

    It's true, it seems to be a lot more common these days that you hear people saying they're intolerant to things. If you're concerned, your best port of call is to ask your doctor and find out if it could be something related to the other symptoms that you mention. They can do a simple skin-prick test or RAST test.

    There's some good advice in our Food Allergies article about these tests and other ways of figuring out what's up.

    Keeping a food diary can be a good idea and then you can see if your symptoms coincide with anything in particular that you're eating.

    Hope you manage to work it out :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you odn't want a list the length of your arm of foods to avoid then don't get the test done

    My friend had it done and all his favourite foods were on it, so are you willing to change your diet drastically if need be?
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