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BNP to march to celebrate "martyr" killed by Muslim man

The British National Party has said that it will hold a rally in honour of its first claimed martyr, whose Asian killer was jailed for eight years for manslaughter yesterday.

Keith Brown, a father of eight and friend of the party leader, Nick Griffin, was stabbed to death by his neighbour Habib Khan, a Muslim community leader. A judge said that the dead white man and his skinhead son had both been involved in acts of racial aggression towards the Khan family.

Khan, 49, had been cleared of murder but was found guilty of manslaughter after a jury heard that he stabbed Mr Brown, 52, with a kitchen knife during a row on the pavement.

Judge Simon Tonking said that although Khan was acting in defence of his own son [who was being strangled by Keith Brown at the time- this is added by me as it is not mentioned in the article], his action in stabbing Mr Brown went beyond that which was reasonable. Khan had to be punished with ?a significant custodial sentence?.

[...] The far Right has portrayed Mr Brown as the ?first nationalist victim of Islamic jihad against Great Britain?. Stoke?s BNP councillors shouldered the coffin at his funeral, which is posted on YouTube.


And some people still wonder why I'd like this lot to be banned???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »

    And some people still wonder why I'd like this lot to be banned???

    I think it's worse that the police/CPS, for so many years, allowed this to escalate to the point that it did. The far left (think Khmer Rouge) is as bad as the far right .... so where does one draw the line where the boundaries become unacceptable? The 'emotional' side of me agrees with you though, Aladdin.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That report also fails to mention that the convict lied to the police for 6 interviews about what had happened before finally confessing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    racist peices of shit like that deserve it.
    he was strangleing his son to death wht the hell was mr kahn supposed to do. i would of stabbed the fucker too. now he loses 8 years of his life, not able to see his son grow up in a prison undoubtedly full of racist convicts and prison guards and the browns are calling this injustice. yes it frucking is, for mr kahn. i know this article is just press and probably pretty far from the truth but in my opinion any member of the bnp should be strung up by there knackers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »

    And some people still wonder why I'd like this lot to be banned???

    Actually I'm more interested in how you would ban them.
    I do think the BNP supporter probably got what he deserved, and it's not really much of a loss to the world. I can see why the rest of the BNP would exploit the situation for their own gain though, and unfortunately it's probably brought the supporters closer together and "confirmed" their beliefs.
    I think when it comes to the BNP in general we should let them say what they want. I know a few people who've voted for them as a protest vote with no idea how dangerous it was, because a few years ago they kept quiet about what they believed in. Most of the people I know who've voted for them are intelligent, honest people who are definately not facists. The more support they get the more they'll express their views and most of the people who support them will realise how dangerous they are.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm more concerned that someone is suggesting that we ban a political party when we're supposedly a democracy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm more concerned that someone is suggesting that we ban a political party when we're supposedly a democracy.

    Bingo. What he said.

    Agree or disagree with the BNP, their policies or whatever, but do not disagree with their right to exist and speak freely.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm more concerned that someone is suggesting that we ban a political party when we're supposedly a democracy.
    Yeah well, democracies don't allow for lynching and vigilante justice either, and far too many people (some of whom object to my desire to have the BNP banned) have expressed their desire that a certain rock glam paedophile be beaten to death by a mob.

    It might be just me but wishing to see a man murdered by a mob looks to me a lot more anti-democratic than wishing to ban a bunch of racist shit-stirring cunts from having a political party for as long as they continue to peddle their racist shite.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Actually I'm more interested in how you would ban them.
    I do think the BNP supporter probably got what he deserved, and it's not really much of a loss to the world. I can see why the rest of the BNP would exploit the situation for their own gain though, and unfortunately it's probably brought the supporters closer together and "confirmed" their beliefs.
    I think when it comes to the BNP in general we should let them say what they want. I know a few people who've voted for them as a protest vote with no idea how dangerous it was, because a few years ago they kept quiet about what they believed in. Most of the people I know who've voted for them are intelligent, honest people who are definately not facists. The more support they get the more they'll express their views and most of the people who support them will realise how dangerous they are.
    I'd like to ban them because the much parroted line that the best thing to do is to let them speak and them expose/ridicule their arguments does not work. Never has, and I suspect never will. In fact, the contrary is true. The more mud is allowed to be thrown, the more will stick.

    Mainstream politicians and the media have so far done a pretty shite job of ridiculing and exposing the BNP for what it is, seeing as not only their supporter base has not disappeared but they slowly gain new supporters.

    If someone had done that to the Nazi party in the 30s, a monumental amount of grief would have been avoided.

    The other reason I'd like to see them banned is because their lies can cause unnaceptable damage to the social fabric of this country. I wouldn't care much if they were claiming the Earth is flat. But their malicious lies have an affect on the lives of millions of people. And by continuing to allow them to be just like a normal political party, we're to a degree legitimating their nauseating views. Fuck that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The case of banning them or not is a difficult one.

    In a perfect world, they (and many other political fractions) wouldn't exist. But they do, and I am not sure that banning them would help anyone whatsoever. Rather keep them where they can be observed, than them being pushed into the dark where countervoices can't reach them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    Yeah well, democracies don't allow for lynching and vigilante justice either, and far too many people (some of whom object to my desire to have the BNP banned) have expressed their desire that a certain rock glam paedophile be beaten to death by a mob.

    It might be just me but wishing to see a man murdered by a mob looks to me a lot more anti-democratic than wishing to ban a bunch of racist shit-stirring cunts from having a political party for as long as they continue to peddle their racist shite.

    "Some people have made off-the-cuff comments about lynching Gary Glitter, therefore we should ban the BNP!"

    It's impressive that you've managed to combine three logical fallacies, straw man, red herring and non sequitur. A few people making a few comments is not the same as the state making it illegal for someone holding certain views to take part in the democratic process.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    I'd like to ban them because the much parroted line that the best thing to do is to let them speak and them expose/ridicule their arguments does not work. Never has, and I suspect never will. In fact, the contrary is true. The more mud is allowed to be thrown, the more will stick.

    Mainstream politicians and the media have so far done a pretty shite job of ridiculing and exposing the BNP for what it is, seeing as not only their supporter base has not disappeared but they slowly gain new supporters.

    If someone had done that to the Nazi party in the 30s, a monumental amount of grief would have been avoided.

    The other reason I'd like to see them banned is because their lies can cause unnaceptable damage to the social fabric of this country. I wouldn't care much if they were claiming the Earth is flat. But their malicious lies have an affect on the lives of millions of people. And by continuing to allow them to be just like a normal political party, we're to a degree legitimating their nauseating views. Fuck that.

    I didn't ask why you would like them banned. I would love it if we could just stop idiotic beliefs like those of the BNP with it having a negative effect on the rest of society. I asked how you would ban them. Would you decide they couldn't be elected? Would you refuse to recognise them if they then became a pressure group? Would you ban 2 or more of its members talking in public? Would you check people's houses for BNP leaflets to see who supports them and arrest those that do?
    I hate the BNP as much as everyone but the fact is they've gained an amazing amount of support in the last few years and I find it difficult to believe that any country has so many evil, racist idiots. In my experience most BNP supporters are selfish people who feel abandoned by the government and don't care if people they don't know suffer so they can feel part of something. I'm not justifying it, but that's how it is. We know that to prevent terrorism we need to prevent people turning to terrorism, I think its the same with facism. The important thing in both cases is make sure we have a way of life that's worth defending. In order to enforce a ban on the BNP you would have to do many of the things they want to do, they might as well be elected if we're only allowed to say or think certain things.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "Some people have made off-the-cuff comments about lynching Gary Glitter, therefore we should ban the BNP!"

    It's impressive that you've managed to combine three logical fallacies, straw man, red herring and non sequitur. A few people making a few comments is not the same as the state making it illegal for someone holding certain views to take part in the democratic process.
    That's not what I meant. I was simply reflecting on the irony of some people who having expressed their desire or wishes that Glitter gets killed by a mob finds it objectionable that others might wish for a racist party to be banned. Those to whom this does not apply can safely ignore my comments.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I didn't ask why you would like them banned. I would love it if we could just stop idiotic beliefs like those of the BNP with it having a negative effect on the rest of society. I asked how you would ban them. Would you decide they couldn't be elected? Would you refuse to recognise them if they then became a pressure group? Would you ban 2 or more of its members talking in public? Would you check people's houses for BNP leaflets to see who supports them and arrest those that do?
    I hate the BNP as much as everyone but the fact is they've gained an amazing amount of support in the last few years and I find it difficult to believe that any country has so many evil, racist idiots. In my experience most BNP supporters are selfish people who feel abandoned by the government and don't care if people they don't know suffer so they can feel part of something. I'm not justifying it, but that's how it is. We know that to prevent terrorism we need to prevent people turning to terrorism, I think its the same with facism. The important thing in both cases is make sure we have a way of life that's worth defending. In order to enforce a ban on the BNP you would have to do many of the things they want to do, they might as well be elected if we're only allowed to say or think certain things.
    I would like to see them banned so long as they incite racial unrest or adopt racist policies as part of their manifesto.

    They can still be nationalist twats for all I care, but I draw the line at suggestions that non-whites are not real Britons and should be encouraged to leave, or that a man who has seen his family harrassed and attacked for years for simply being Muslim and who killed a racist thug as he was strangling the man's son was part of a "Muslim Jihad against Britain".

    That in my book counts as inciting racial hatred, and if (apparently) does not constitute an offence should at least make any candidate who endorses it unsuitable for office.

    If they want to participate in the democratic process they're welcomed to, so long as they dropped the shit stirring racist bullshit. Not too much to ask IMO.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i find it hard to say they shouldnt be banned as i truly hate them but at the end of the day this is a democracy we live in and we cant ban them :banghead: . doing that would be just as fascist as the evil fuckers themselves.

    still in an ideal world they would be hung drawn and quartered. :p lol
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "Some people have made off-the-cuff comments about lynching Gary Glitter, therefore we should ban the BNP!"

    It's impressive that you've managed to combine three logical fallacies, straw man, red herring and non sequitur. A few people making a few comments is not the same as the state making it illegal for someone holding certain views to take part in the democratic process.

    What on earth are you on about? Have you just read about logical fallacies and are trying to shoe-horn them into any old conversation?

    Aladdin: You know you're being naughty ever time you bring up this banning the BNP nonsense! :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm not on a wind up mission though- I genuinely believe it should be done, even if it infricts the scumbags' democratic rights. But then I've been also known to believe that there is such thing as a limit to what people can say without legal consequences, so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    I'm not on a wind up mission though- I genuinely believe it should be done, even if it infricts the scumbags' democratic rights. But then I've been also known to believe that there is such thing as a limit to what people can say without legal consequences, so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise ;)

    Have the BNP actually said that non-Whites are inferior to Whites? Have they actually (officially) sanctioned attacks on non-Whites? (I haven't followed their politics too closely so I don't know the answer)

    If not, and their view is such that there are too many non-White immigrants in this country, then they are entitled to that view, no matter how uncomfortable it sits with the rest of us. Until they actually condone violence against non-Whites or claim that they are in some way 'genetically' superior, I'd rather keep them in sight as a lunatic 'fringe' political party than than let them develop into something more sinister, by driving them 'underground'.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well i dont beleive the goverment can morrally do anything untill they take action on there policies as said many times before this is a democracy if we ban freedom of speech thats another MAHUSIVE step to a fascist goverment. however if by some terrible stroke of misfortune they do get in at some point i think vigilanty justice would be a good option and chase the fuckers out of politics and the country. hehehehehehe

    :):) :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

    thar was half joking half not. if they did get in i personally would make a point to break every damn racist law they bring in. i certainly would rather get ass raped in prison then join national service at the demands of those right wing ass holes.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What on earth are you on about? Have you just read about logical fallacies and are trying to shoe-horn them into any old conversation?

    No, why?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teagan wrote: »
    Have the BNP actually said that non-Whites are inferior to Whites? Have they actually (officially) sanctioned attacks on non-Whites? (I haven't followed their politics too closely so I don't know the answer)

    If not, and their view is such that there are too many non-White immigrants in this country, then they are entitled to that view, no matter how uncomfortable it sits with the rest of us. Until they actually condone violence against non-Whites or claim that they are in some way 'genetically' superior, I'd rather keep them in sight as a lunatic 'fringe' political party than than let them develop into something more sinister, by driving them 'underground'.

    Their official line was along the lines of, "if you're black but born here, you're alright by us. If you're an immigrant, you're not".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere wrote: »
    Their official line was along the lines of, "if you're black but born here, you're alright by us. If you're an immigrant, you're not".

    Oh ok. Well, as much as I don't like that 'official' line, I can't see why it should be banned because of it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teagan wrote: »
    Oh ok. Well, as much as I don't like that 'official' line, I can't see why it should be banned because of it.
    Because they don't have such problem with certain white, Christian immigrants. Even illegal ones.

    They're not going to say "we hate Muzzies and niggers- get them all out". They are not that stupid. But there can be no mistaking for the reasons behind their polices.

    And frankly, their proposed march to honour a racist piece of shit who got killed while trying to strangle an Asian teenager as the culmination of a hate campaign that lasted years, and their claims that the killing was part of a "Muslim jihad" against white Britons is inciting racial hatred. They should be put in fucking jail, let alone be allowed to march and to run legitimate political parties.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    Because they don't have such problem with certain white, Christian immigrants. Even illegal ones.

    Hmmmm .. their web site seems to dis the Poles .. it seems to attack all immigration, inlcuding Eastern Europeans.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I seem to have a fairly minority view here, whatever the views, or previous actions of any human, they still are that and should be treated as such.

    Yes the BNP stand for nasty views, but they should be largely ignored not banned.

    And yes, sex offenders are horrid people, but they are still people and deserve at least basic human rights.

    Then blood lust many of you exhibit frankly scares me and suggests that none of you have had any experience of how easily it can be to get sucked into the criminal justice system.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teagan wrote: »
    Hmmmm .. their web site seems to dis the Poles .. it seems to attack all immigration, inlcuding Eastern Europeans.
    Arguably one of the oldest and most visible source of illegal immigration, Australians, have happily lived and worked in Britain for many years (as they should), and you wouldn't hear a murmur of protest from the BNP.

    Darkies however, well we can't have that can we...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    Arguably one of the oldest and most visible source of illegal immigration, Australians, have happily lived and worked in Britain for many years (as they should), and you wouldn't hear a murmur of protest from the BNP.

    Darkies however, well we can't have that can we...

    Ah, I see what you mean (penny drops). Yeah, it's easier to point out the 'darky' as an immigrant, than the White. That stance is certainly hypocritical on their point and display a huge hole in their argument. Should the BNP still be banned? I shall ponder that one ... but I do see where you are coming from. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    budda wrote: »
    Then blood lust many of you exhibit frankly scares me and suggests that none of you have had any experience of how easily it can be to get sucked into the criminal justice system.

    Who or what are you referring to here, budda?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    budda wrote: »
    sex offenders are horrid people, but they are still people and deserve at least basic human rights.

    Then blood lust many of you exhibit frankly scares me and suggests that none of you have had any experience of how easily it can be to get sucked into the criminal justice system.

    ok budda picture this

    a man remorslessly rapes and attacks your son/daughter/wife/sister/mother/ repeatedly destroying the persons liofe. they need hours and hours of councelling just to make it through the day and feel confident again. they hurt that person you loved so much they are never reaslly the same person. your telling me you would say oh right old chap i dont want to hurt you, you can sit in a prison for whatever feeble sentence the criminal justice system gives you then you can stroll out and carry on living your life and i wont have any bad bloodlust thoughts about you at all. i sincerely doubt it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ok budda picture this

    a man remorslessly rapes and attacks your son/daughter/wife/sister/mother/ repeatedly destroying the persons liofe. they need hours and hours of councelling just to make it through the day and feel confident again. they hurt that person you loved so much they are never reaslly the same person. your telling me you would say oh right old chap i dont want to hurt you, you can sit in a prison for whatever feeble sentence the criminal justice system gives you then you can stroll out and carry on living your life and i wont have any bad bloodlust thoughts about you at all. i sincerely doubt it.

    I somehow doubt he would either, but as others have said, this is exactly why emotions shouldn't have any place in law and judgements.

    If this happened to me I wouldn't be thinking logically, i'd be out for revenge, not justice. And that's not something that should happen.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I read the article and was confused why it wasn't classed as self defence. Or why even when convicted with manslaughter his sentence wasn't heavily reduced due to mitigating circumstances. (Provocation, trying to defend his family, etc.)

    Its plain that the guy didn't deserve to die. But he made a choice to attack someone, and making a stupid decision like that has consequences. Why should someone else be punished when he was the proactive individual that caused the incident. I don't know if I would have got a knife but I know I would have reacted the same as Mr Khan. If there was a baseball bat lying on the ground you bet I would have smacked the attacker around the head as hard as I could.

    I guess we don't know all the details though. To go back inside, into your kitchen, conciously pick out a deadly weapon and then proceed to inflict mortal wounds, possibly goes beyond the normal remit. But 8 years is a very significant sentence and again shows how the UK legal system - although very good - is very rarely consistent.
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