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Bikini Line Terror

BunnieBunnie Posts: 6,088 Master Poster
I had my bikini line done for the first time about 4 years ago, and I bruised horrendously (the woman also left wax on me so I was a tad sticku to add to my soreness!) and I didnt get it done again for about another year through fear. When I did eventually pluck up the courage, I again bruised but this time bled with it.

Anyways, Nair/immac etc dont work for me, and shaving makes me itch.

Sooooo, I have booked myself in for a wax next week, and I am going to mention about my previous experiences, and I have googled and found a few things by beautcians saying that have had clients who have also bruised/bled, so I am therefore not the only one.

Anything I should do before I go? Anyone else had this before? I dont want it to happen again, so I will do whatever it takes to have a bruise and fuzz free bikini line.



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think it really depends on where you go and how good the therapist is. Of course some people have more sensitive skin and that also plays a part. I've been to a few different places for waxes and sometimes it's been really painful because the therapist obviously wasn't as skilled and has had to go over the same areas again and again which can really cause the skin to get irritated. I'd recommend you get advice from girls in your area to see which places have a good reputation. Good luck!
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