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Hospital appointment today...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I had my gynae appointment today.

First off I was a bit pissed off that I didn't get to see my actual consultant AGAIN. And I was given the lady doctor who put me on antibiotics which gave me c.diff at the end of last year. I didn't like her anyway because she seemed patronising and not very good at listening to what I was saying.

Anyway. She didn't seem to have read my notes because I had to explain to her that I'd been to hospital in March because my period was so bad that I ended up on morphine.
Last appointment I had I was told (by a differnt doctor) that the next step would have to be surgery. Now I've given this a lot of thought and came to the conclusion that it'd be the best option, although maybe a little risky; I think the time has come where I just can't put up with all the pains and worries anymore. Plus I've been thinking about when I settle down and want to try for kids; if I come off the pill (which I have to tri-cycle), within two months I'll be in so much pain I won't even be able to try to get pregnant.

Anyway... I tried to explain all this to her. First of all she tried telling me that nothing was wrong with my right womb and ovary (yes, I have two wombs - the left one has no outlet).... I had to explain that that wasn't really the point, and it was more about the pain and fatigue which would cause problems for me.
She was also saying to me that because of complications I have (adhesions and scar tissue sticking my bowel to my left womb) would mean that surgery to remove the womb would possibly be risky... I already knew this because I was told it 3 years ago, when the option of having my left womb removed was mentioned. I pointed out that I thought ending up on morphine in hosptial might class as being in quite sever pain. I think she started getting the message at this point.

Anyway... I asked her if she'd talk to my consultant about it so she agreed and said she'd 'get back to me.
So in the mean-time I'm going to try these different painkillers and something to make my periods lighter... not got great hopes of it working but no harm in trying I guess. And I have to have another scan to check that all the cysty things they found back in march are still there and haven't changed etc etc...
The next available appointment is in 6 months time (she requested that I be seen in 3)... so now I have to wait another half a fucking year to probably go and see my gynae again and they'll decide that surgery is the only option left, and they'll book me in on the months long waiting list for that.
I thought today's appointment would at least get the ball rolling with booking me in for surgery, but even that hasn't happend.

I nearly started crying with the effort of trying to get her to listen to me.
I'm just so bloody frustrated because my life feels like it's on hold at the moment.
I've missed out on getting a contract with more hours at work because I've had so much time off. I also can't go for a promotion if one comes up (which is possible because one of my supervisors has just left); because I can't garuantee that I'll be able to do the early morning shifts etc, even though I know damn well I'd be good at the job.
I also don't feel like I can apply elsewhere for a full-time job with more money (which I both want and need) cos I just can't rely on my body.
Just seems like I'll never be able to get a career going, or move out from living with my mum. Can't even go travelling or anything.

I'm just so bloody fed up of everything. I'm feeling low more and more of the time. I was seeing a counsellor for a few weeks up until end of May, but I've had to finish that because I can't afford it.
Life just doesn't seem to be going my way. Everyone else seems to be doing interesting and exciting things with their lives, and I'm stuck here wasting my youthful years trying to get doctors to listen to the fact that I believe that my body is telling me there is something inside me which I'd be better off without.


End of rant.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go to PALS (patient advice and liason service)

    I've been put in a similar position of being sent for so many tests and nto getting any joy with my neurologist, but as soon as PALS are involved they sort things out quick. say that you would eb able to come in at short notice because they will be abe to fit you into a cancelation if there is one...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go to PALS (patient advice and liason service)

    I've been put in a similar position of being sent for so many tests and nto getting any joy with my neurologist, but as soon as PALS are involved they sort things out quick. say that you would eb able to come in at short notice because they will be abe to fit you into a cancelation if there is one...

    I agree :yes:

    PALS are really good to talk to and they are good at helping to deal with this sort of situation :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Funnily enough PALS was exactly what came to mind for me as well.

    They are usually fantastic people, and have some magical mystical power over appointment systems when it's appropriate. Get in touch with them, and hopefully they can help.

    Big hugs.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Another suggestion (which I have done before) would be to ring the hospital and speak to your consultant's secretary. You could ask whether you could send an email detailing the problems to your consutant via her. They are normally quite happy to do this and then you know the information will be in front of his nose!

    Good luck
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Splodgey wrote: »
    Another suggestion (which I have done before) would be to ring the hospital and speak to your consultant's secretary. You could ask whether you could send an email detailing the problems to your consutant via her. They are normally quite happy to do this and then you know the information will be in front of his nose!

    This is a good idea. It might also be worth asking to see the notes that the hospital hold about you, in case there is anything that's missing, or that's not right, just to be sure.

    Another thing that I've started doing after having similar frustrations with departments is asking to be sent a copy of every letter that the consultant sends back to your GP, so you're a bit more informed on that front.

    On the appointment front, if you are having no luck getting a shorter appointment time, GPs can help on that front. I've been told that there are no urgent appointments for 3 weeks before, but when my GP's tried, oddly enough they've found one first thing the next clinic day. :chin:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My mum and dad both said I should write to my consultant. Maybe I'll try it.

    Thanks for the replies. Will think about contacting PALS
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    get doctors rather than parents (unless they are doctors) because a combination of PALS and my doctor writing to the consultant was all that got it brought forward
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