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Does anyone here on a teaching course ?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
if so please can you answer some of my questions ?
1. do you enjoy it ?
2. what have you learnt about yourself ?
3. have you gained more confidence ?
4. what age group do you intend to teach ?
5. why did you choose to do this course ?
i have to do a project on this so plz can you give me sensible answer plz thanxs x


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    FizFiz Deactivated Posts: 44 Boards Initiate
    Hi, I've moved this from student to here where people can answer as appropriate. Usually with this kind of thing you need to get prior permission to post when looking for answers for research/projects etc, but we'll leave this one this time round. It would be great if you can tell us a bit more about this project, to give people a bit of an overview before they answer.
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