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Rescue me please - stress

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
For no particular reason, just the general irkness of being home I guess (I had a really good day yesterday, so it's out of the blue) I'm struggling with extremely high stress levels today. Can't concentrate proerly on anything. Even when typing my fingers keep hitting the wrong keys because my whole body feels so... stressed I guess is the word.

Going swimming later which should be good but I need help now kinda. I don't know whats wrong with me. I really want to shout or hit something it's so idiotic. I think it's because my family tend to get in the way of things I am trying to do, not intentionally no doubt. Little things. Like doing a painting (supposeduly relaxing) in privacy of the lounge and dog comes in, so I put her out, put a table in front of the door, then mum comes in and tels me to clean up my stuff.

Bear in mind we have two lounges, its basically the whole barging in and telling me to clean up rather than asking if she could come in.

Lots of little things. Headphones that are nearly new have stopped working, but bought from a friend so no guarunteed warranty. Going to manufacturers but it's so much hassle.

My chest feels really stressed. I miss uni where there are less people stealing my food and drink, less times I need to clean up after other people's mess and of course less times people barge in my room with a cigarette and mess up what I'm doing.

Bear in mind I can't spend time in my bedroom because it's just got a bed and this PC, mum uses it as a storage room when I'm at uni so much so I'm still living out of my suitcase - no space at all to even open my drawers. I have to move stuff onto my bed to get out my door, and in front of my door to get in my bed. (by storage, it seems to be backlogs of ignored ironing, paint tins from decorating her bedroom, etc.).

I can't take it anymoer :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ah its turned into one of those days where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong :)

    ive given up caring now tbh
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Say these things to your mum ...over a meal ...nice and calm. Tell her how your feeling.
    And relax in a steaming hot bath full of bubbles ...read a mag in there ...keep topping the hot water up ...have a glass of wine in there. Get out and wrap a big hot bath sheet around you. Pamper yourself a little ...or a lot.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sounds awful. My already high stress levels have risen in sympathy. :rolleyes: Poor you. *Hugs*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    come on pal, i know these things are a inconvienience, but you need to think how many people are worse off than you.

    i get stressed from time to time while at work, but i just think i could be so much worse off and it generally eases.

    chin up lad. :thumb:
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