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School Teachers

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
well i want to be a primary school teacher when im older but im lacking in confidence and i realli want to do this. i love working with kids and im doing work experience at a school in june which im looking forward to but i dont no what to say when the headmistress asks me why i want to do it- my first answer is obviously i love working with kids but i want to say somma else but i dnt know what. plz can u help me with my confidence, tell me y u like being a teacher , and how hard uni is !!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A good way to answer could be to give an example of a good/great/inspiring teacher that you had, and how they helped you to learn and grow. You want to be able to be the same role model and guide for young children today, to help them learn in a healthy and interesting environment.

    My personal answer would be "I want the fucking great holidays" but that probably wouldn't go down too well (though you know they're all thinking it).

    My mum was a primary teacher for 22 years, and sad to say her experiences weren't entirely positive. But things are beginning to come on, in terms of teacher support, classroom support etc. I went to a teaching/healthcare-focused Uni and lived with primary teachers in my first year. They worked hard and played hard. Had to be sensible in their placement weeks and they spent a lot of time planning, but that's good training for the job of course! They still found plenty of time to go out, have a laugh etc :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I work in a Preschool but am taking a long route into Primary teaching (I am 38 so coming to it a little later in life than you!!!) One thing I will say is make sure you get your Maths, English and Science GCSE's now. Luckily I got Maths and English when I left school but I am having to do my science now otherwise I won't get on the course. I am doing a degree in Early Years as I can use my present workplace as my placement. You hear good things about being a Primary teacher but I am sure the Good must outway the Bad. It is a job where you can make a difference after all don't you remember your favorite teachers?! There is no denying the courses won't be hard (imagine having to do them when you have a job and kids too like me) but it helps to make you a stronger more confident person. My sister is at Uni doing Primary PGCE and she is loving it even when it gets tough. Confidence will come as you get older and gain life experience. It certainly has for me (although I still am lacking sometimes) You are well on your way with the fact that you 'want' to work with children. There is no point doing it unless you want what is best for them and it sounds like you do. Good luck with your work experience and don't be afraid to ask questions when you are there. After all the teachers you will be doing work experience with were students once too and should be able to remember that!!!
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