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Doing more to help with weight loss

I started swimming about 2 months ago because I really needed to start doing some exercise and try and lose quite a lot of weight. I was determined not to go swimming for ages due to the embarrasment factor, but now I've got quite into it and hate it when I can't go!

So what I really want to know is I'm swimming 3 times a week (when I'm able to, occasionally when I'm working away I can't) for about 30-35 minutes each time, and I'm eating a lot better. What else can I do to help myself?

In terms of goals, I'm looking to lose weight (because I'm overweight in a serious way) and get rid of/reduce my wobbly bits (multiple areas) so I generally feel more comfortable with myself. I'm realistic in that I know I'm never going to look fab bodywise, I'm never going be a thin person and I'm just going to have to put up with that, and I realise I'm going to have to wait ages before I get any results but its effort that I'm willing to put in.

I'm not looking for any kind of quick fix, just things which I can realistically do to help myself along. I'm thinking that I'd quite like to do other things to, but I have a problem with my foot that makes standing/walking/running agonising if I do it for ages which rules quite a lot out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How do you feel about going into a gym? Ok or horrified? I'd recommend at this stage you start doing some resistance work, as you seem to have the cardio in order, and it will help with the weight loss.

    If you don't want to go to the gym, you can set up a home gym, Argos tends to have good deals on things like dumbells and dumbbell/barbell sets and that'll be a good starting point for training.

    With your foot, is it a temporary injury, or something more long-term? There are a load of exercises that you can do sat on a chair or on the floor. ExRx is a great place to look for exercises and they demonstrate them too.

    Sounds like you've got most of it sussed anyway! Glad to hear you're enjoying the swimming, if you have anymore questions, ask away.
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