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Miscarriage or Period?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
So I had sex when I was several days late for a pill. So when I did start a new pack, I was about a week off. Then I started having cramps and pains in my sides. Then when I usually had my period, I had light spotting for three days, but I had sex a week before. Then on this Saturday, I started my period and I stopped worrying about being pregnant until today.

I removed a tampon earlier and then when I wiped, I noticed I had an unusually large amount of clotting. Like the clot was about three to four inches long and then I saw white tissue that went through the clot. At the end of one was a blob that sort of look like the stereotypical alien fetuses that are in anatomy and biology textbooks. It wasn't as detailed and it was smaller than the blown-up versions, but it sort of looked like there was an eye and it was attached to a long, string plus the shape was sort of right.

I don't know what it was or if other people have ever had white crap in the period clots before.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I doubt you could have seem a fetus if it was as it would have been as small as a grain of rice. You are best just putting it down to a heavy period.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a couple of times on my period i have removed the tampon, wiped myself and then on the tissue there has been a massive clot. it looks like skin, a few millimeters thick and about 2-3 inches across.

    i wouldnt worry too much and as tweety said you wouldnt be able to see a fetus that early on as it would be too small
  • BunnieBunnie Posts: 6,088 Master Poster
    I doubt you would have seen anything like the others have said.

    I have had a period before where I have passed such a big clot I could feel it, but I doubt that was a miscarriage, so I would just say it was a period.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ive had a clot that looked as you described before (several years ago) and it weirded me out a bit. I assume now it was probably a miscarriage although i hadnt missed a period, and if it was that then it was further along than just a few weeks because the clot was very definitely tissuey rather than congealed blood like most clots. I dont see any benefit to knowing for sure though because it wouldnt have been a planned or wanted pregnancy for me at that time
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