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is now the right time to be loosing weight?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
i ask the quetion, due to the fact that i'm feeling really down at times, and i'm finding it hard to muster the motivation to get myself off the sofa to clean my flat up and get myself off to college, and i am feeling really fat and ugly and i know i need to lose about a stone and a half - 2 stone, but i really don't know how to go about it when it seems so much easier to sit infront of the TV and eat sweet nice things...

plus the dr is not being helpful with tips, but still badgering me to loose weight.

plus, i'm not getting any therapy atm, still on the bloody waiting list and suffering...


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You've probably heard this before, but when you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which make you happy. (I'm not a scientist, but I know this is the basic gist of it!)

    So basically, if you get up and go running, or do some more sport, or join a gym or something, not only will you hopefully lose some weight, but also more importantly, you'll feel much happier about yourself.

    I always find that after a run or a swim, I feel SO much better about myself - I feel happy, and energised, and way more motivated to be healthy in general.

    So if you don't want to diet and you're feeling lethargic and mopey, then maybe more exercise is the answer? Honestly, it really does work, and once you start to exercise a bit, it's easy to keep going.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    but i'm finding it hard enough to get off my backside and do the washing up let alone going for a run...plus round here is not a good place to go for a run, really bad pavements to walk on let alone run...i can't hack gyms...too competetive..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    .i can't hack gyms...too competetive..


    Since when? At the gym you work to your own level - why on earth would you have to be competing?!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Go for a swim then.

    No competition there as there will always be the grannies doing 1 length evry 20 mins.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Gyms can feel competitive and daunting, especially if you are feeling out of shape.

    TBH I barely train at the gym, even when I am feeling fit and strong I don't like the atmosphere and attitude, but then I do frequent some dodgy valleys gyms lol.

    Anyway, I think you'd be suprised how good a little exercise would make you feel, even a nice 40 minute walk would do you good. Make it pretty brisk and that will aid weight loss and CV function.. just getting outside and getting the air IMO will help with the depression and mental state.

    I suffer frequently with erratic moods and depression etc and I find getting outside for fresh air and a walk can really help lift the mood and even clear the head so much.

    Plus it should become more appealing as you get into it, and if you see the positive effects both mentally and hopefully physically (ie losing weight) then you should be more motivated to continue.

    We can all badger you to get off your arse and get out if you like? :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i know its annoying when people say it'll make you feel better, release endorphins etc etc but its so true! why dont you try going to the gym but doing the classes there? aerobics etc? not using the actual gym equipment.

    at the moment im in no way a gym addict or anything, all i do is two 1 hour fitness classes a week (one straight after the other) and go swimming once a week, or twice if i can, but it honestly has made me feel SO much better about myself. i find the second fitness class hard but its also so much fun, its more interesting doing it to music etc. do you have a friend thats interested in getting fit with you? i dont think i'd have started going to the gym if my friend hadnt started with me. for a bit of moral support :]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Gyms can feel competitive and daunting, especially if you are feeling out of shape.

    TBH I barely train at the gym, even when I am feeling fit and strong I don't like the atmosphere and attitude, but then I do frequent some dodgy valleys gyms lol.


    I was gonna say - the gyms I've been to have almost all been friendly (with the exception of the wannabe Gangsta filled dive I went to for a bit whilst in Leicester) with people offering to spot during heavy sets etc etc. Who, I mean WHO in their right mind goes to the gym in their baggy jeans, big CAT/Timberland style boots and chunky gold chains...!? I ask you... :lol: That dive in Leicester was something else :yeees:

    The atmosphere can certainly ruin your focus for a good workout, that's for sure.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    but i'm finding it hard enough to get off my backside and do the washing up let alone going for a run...

    I know, and I know it's annoying to hear it but like Firenze said, it makes such a difference once you do actually start. You just have to believe that making one huge effort one day to get out of the house and go swimming, however daunting it feels, will really help. Seriously, if I knew you better, I'd be waging large sums of money on it!

    It's a bit of a vicious circle I guess, the less you do, the less energy you have and the less enthusiasm you have for being proactive about those things. So you really have to break the circle or it'll only get worse! Sitting around on the sofa all day ain't gonna help you in any way, physically or mentally.....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I find it really hard to motivate myself to exercise/eat healthily in the winter, when all you want to do in laze around, stay inside, and eat stodgy foods. But comforting food can be healthy, eg thick soups with root vegetables.
    Exercise does help you sleep too, and warms you up :)

    Good luck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Go for a swim then.

    No competition there as there will always be the grannies doing 1 length evry 20 mins.
    I agree, I actually found most people in the pool are more relaxed about thing s than elsewhere and I felt less like people were judging me (I know, paranoid much?).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's a bit of a vicious circle I guess, the less you do, the less energy you have and the less enthusiasm you have for being proactive about those things. So you really have to break the circle or it'll only get worse! Sitting around on the sofa all day ain't gonna help you in any way, physically or mentally.....


    Essentially, you have two choices: stay as you are now or make the change. One will probably keep spiraling where you continue to feel as you are because you're not doing anything which could lead you to feeling worse and even less motivated, and the other can at least make you feel a bit better before the therapy starts, and give you a bit of a positive outlook.

    There's nothing wrong with compromising - you can do exercises in front of the TV, trampettes are good for that if you don't want to overdo it and start out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go_away wrote: »

    Essentially, you have two choices: stay as you are now or make the change. One will probably keep spiraling where you continue to feel as you are because you're not doing anything which could lead you to feeling worse and even less motivated, and the other can at least make you feel a bit better before the therapy starts, and give you a bit of a positive outlook.

    There's nothing wrong with compromising - you can do exercises in front of the TV, trampettes are good for that if you don't want to overdo it and start out.

    spin bikes are great in front of TV ! :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We can all badger you to get off your arse and get out if you like? :)

    :lol: but i do think thats what i need...would something like leg weights be a good idea for long walks?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :lol: but i do think thats what i need...would something like leg weights be a good idea for long walks?

    Wrist weights too - they're more discrete and more comfortable than walking with dumbells in your hands when outdoors ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i might invest in some....and start using the stairs at college
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wish I had someone to go with to the gym as always feel self conscious on my own...:(

    Its all about trampette action-I love mine, and I still get to sad out watching Neighbours and the Simpsons while I bounce! I make is harder by having weights and flinging my arms around while I do it.

    NB make sure curtains are closed, as otherwise people think your crazy!
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