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The Conduct of Jim V

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
This is a thread I would like to open in regards to the moderator Jim V. For the purpose of ethics I would rather that Jim V personally refrains from moderating this thread.

On 24-10-2007, Sanitize opened a thread: "Islam Is Peace Campaign" http://vbulletin.thesite.org/showthread.php?t=121595.

The thread went on to become the most viewed and replied to thread in the political sub-forum. One of the more active forums on this bulletin.

Jim eventually went on to close the thread citing that another site was being advertised (FFI). It is unfortunate that it was Jim who advertised that other site. Jim listed the site and its mission statement and then closed the thread for advertising.

Jim also deleted a post of mine stating that it gave unsubstantiated information. I will repost the post I made and bold the part Jim was upset about. You can use your judgement to let me know if this post deserved to be deleted and subsequently for the whole thread to be shut down.

My post was in regards to Aladdin stating a point in this regard: "Since the number of honor killings in a country is small, then it does not matter if the country (Jordan) punishes the killer with a slap on the wrist (less then a year in jail).

My reply:
Originally Posted by Baal
(Aladdin) You are yawning so much, seems you slept through the best part of lecture. Which part of "Third of Murders Committed in the Country are unpunished Honor(less) killings" did you miss?

Jim already deleted a post similar to this and here is his reason:

My opinion Jim is what you did to delete my post is downright disgusting and the least you should do is explain which part of this post you felt the need to delete the entire post for.

If you think the average of a sentence is not 7.5 Month then, no one is disputing that nubmber.

If you think that third of the murders are not about honor killing then, no one is disputing that number.

What Fact you want me to support? Aladdin is not even disputing that Third of the murders are honor killings or that the sentence for an honor kill is averaging 7.5. month. If he did dispute it I would have shown him the sources.

So I am reposting from memory and I still expect an explanation or an apology.

This is the Second version of the post that was deleted the first time:

Now Aladdin, What does the number of murders in the country matter?

Let us assume Bank Robbers in a country are just getting their wrist slapped. 8 month for a bank robbery IF caught. Let us assume only 1 bank is getting robbed per week. Not a big number. Just that a robber will walk in demand all the cash and run out and then if caught he gets 8 month jail.

What difference does the number of bank robberies matter? You think Banks will dare leave cash in Banks? Do you think they will even dare leaving cash in the country? After a while the Banks will stop keeping cash and the robberies will not be profitable. But the end result is the Banks are Affraid of putting cash in Banks.

The Bank and The Bank customers will live in Fear, because they know that their cash is cheap, it only costs 8 month for someone to try to acquire it.

And 8 month is a LOT less then the lifetime of work it took them to acquire that money.

Now let us say you are a woman in a country where you know the price of your life averages 8 month. What difference does it make to you how many murders occur per year? You will get in line. You will not protest. You will not force a divorce on your husband. You will not force unfavorable Custody. You will put a veil on so you do not be the next bad (dead) apple. You KNOW, that if push comes to shove, your husband can claim you a whore and cash your life for 8 month in jail.

Now Aladdin you are mixing a CONSTANT state of Murder with a CONSTANT state of Fear. And what you are also ignoring, is the social ramification of having a murder worth only 8 month.

If a life of a woman is worth 8 month, something that you seem to take very cheaply Aladdin, then what is the price of beating that woman? What if the beating was smartly done to avoid breaking bones and just cause pain with the occasional bruise. What would be the punishment for that Aladdin?

The bolded part in my post is the part that Jim had been complaining about. How else do you think I can rewrite this?

Regards & Respects,
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