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"Obesity likened to climate change"



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go_away wrote: »
    What is it with some PE teachers?

    I was shit at netball. I remember one day the head sadist of PE teachers wanted 3 people to demonstrate a move. So she picked me (she and I didn't really get on), and 2 overweight girls in my yeargroup. When it went tits up as predicted, she then picked the captain of the netball team, and 2 other girls who were on the first team. They of course carried out the move flawlessly, and that afternoon I wished I could have pushed that teacher out into moving traffic.
    My PE teacher was evil. She was our head of year as well, which was even worse. She used to pick on me all the time, and my mum used to get so angry when I came home really angry with her. Ah well. I'm sure she'll die lonely and miserable.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Did anyone have some stupid whereby if you weren't foing PE, you still had to bring your kiy? I got shouted at (in front of everyone) because I wasn't in my kit, yet it was alright for someone else not to bring his kit. :rolleyes:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No we didn't have anything like that, but my PE teacher kept a record of when the girls were on their periods as the girls didn't really want to step into the trickle of the showers when they were bleeding. My teacher didn't believe that I had 2 periods in a month on one occassion when I was 14 - because teenagers never get irregular periods :rolleyes:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go_away wrote: »
    No we didn't have anything like that, but my PE teacher kept a record of when the girls were on their periods as the girls didn't really want to step into the trickle of the showers when they were bleeding. My teacher didn't believe that I had 2 periods in a month on one occassion when I was 14 - because teenagers never get irregular periods :rolleyes:
    I was so glad we never had to use the showers. They were disgusting. We were supposed to have to bring our kit if we weren't doing PE though. Never bothered though 'cause they never made us put it on.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Franki wrote: »
    We were supposed to have to bring our kit if we weren't doing PE though. Never bothered though 'cause they never made us put it on.

    I remember one time, I'd been off for 3 weeks and was told by the nurse that I'm not allowed to do PE for 3 weeks. When I returned to school, my dad wrote a noting stating this and put 'if you [the teacher] has a problem with it, then phone the doctor's'.

    So anyway, I handed my note in, the teacher read it and gave it back to me. She then moaned because I wasn't doing PE and din't bring my kit and had to do so in the future and then made me run around the field for about half an hour, but I stodd there an refused as I wasn't prepared to get ill again (sweat could trigger the problem) dand spent more time off school.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We had a stupid rule that you had to bring your kit and stand outside with everyone if you weren't doing p.e. Some excuse about if there were inspectors then it didn't look like people were out of p.e. Wtf? I only ever had a note a couple of times, I hated handing it in though incase they just shouted and made me do it anyway.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Melian wrote: »
    I also noticed that they tried to force people who were injured (and therefore didn't bring their kit) to do PE.:rolleyes: Well, they tried to, but no-one actually bothered bringing their kit and nothing was said or done.

    I had to miss nearly a whole term of PE in year nine because I badly aggivated my hip problem and was stopped doing PE to stop me doing any serious long-term damage. I was still expected to take part in certain things. :rolleyes: I refused and ended up bunking half the lessons anyway.

    The teachers at my school where only interested in the kids that made an effort, the ones like me who where generally crap at most things and couldnt care less where ignored or humilated.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For all the people who had a bad experience with PE at school (which seems to be everyone!), what do you think could be done to improve it?

    I hated wearing the kit - black shorts that you had to buy through the school and never fitted and always rode up your thighs and an aertex top. If there had been a kit better suited to covering up a self conscious teen/pre teen that would have improved it. Having to carry the kit around was a pain as well though.

    One hour lessons - we always had to do an hour of PE and that never left enough time to get changed afterwards. If you had PE last thing then you were often in danger of missing the bus.

    Facilites were crap and damp.

    I wish they could teach racing canoeing in schools, that's what I would call an improvement!
  • Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,324 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    oh yes and I am forgetting that it is such a very good source of calcium.

    So is cardboard, on that scale.

    Sigh. Any government action, adn the papers will bleat of civil liberties stolen. Government takes no action, papers accuse it of being to lax.

    Fuck it, ban the media.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go_away wrote: »
    What is it with some PE teachers?

    I think they're the only teachers that don't want to be teachers. You wouldn't employ failed scientists as science teachers, or failed preists as R.E. teachers, but with P.E. teachers, you always get a sense that they were the people who got kicked out of Man Utd's training academy just before the broke into the first team. :p Actually, I know a P.E. teacher and she's really nice. But then I don't have lessons from her.

    Honestly, I don't think P.E. teachers are any worse than any other type of teacher, it's just they're more in a position to be a twat with their punishments.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For all the people who had a bad experience with PE at school (which seems to be everyone!), what do you think could be done to improve it?

    Ban PE first thing on a Monday morning?

    - Anyone who isn't doing PE, don't make them bring their kit and them join in
    - Improve facilities
    - Allow girls to play games like rubgy and football instead of hockey, rounders and netball every year
    - Not make the PE stupidly expensive. We used to have to have a rubgy shirt that cost £16
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I probably got more of a work-out, and put more effort into, a kickabout in luchtimes than during a 1500m run in the middle of winter.

    Make PE more about fun and participation than technique and "optimum" fitness. Any exercise should be seen as good exercise. Vary the number of sports available and keep "elite" coaching until after school, GCSE/A-Level PE lessons or weekends. Far too often those of us who were not as able ended up merely watching those in the school's rugby/hockey/cricket team.

    Regarding nutrition, I'm willing to bet the copious amounts of alcohol we, as a nation, drink has as much a part to play as fatty food in contributing to obesity.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Taxing fatty foods, baning some products... Banning some fertilisers (they've been linked to obesity)... More green spaces...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Namaste wrote: »
    Taxing fatty foods, baning some products...

    Hey, I'm not a fat bastard. Why should I have to pay more for my Sunday McDonalds (usually when nowhere else is open I might add)?

    One other thing on P.E. and I'm sure the mums will agree - don't insist on white shorts. It gets ridiculous when someone can't wear a pair of black shorts without the teachers complaining.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We had to make a sandwich in food tech. I'll say no more.

    I can do one better - we were taught how to make a burger in a bun. and a toastie at one point. My friend, who did advanced Home Ec or something, was taught how to make fish and chips - with a fryer and everything!!

    P.E if you ask me needs a huge improvement, I was actually taken out at the age of 13 due to being dyspraxic, and being badly bullied because of this, I should add - but when I was in class , a majority of it was spent doing theory or social dance or the basics of hockey and occasionaly, in the winter, swimming. Makes you think, doesn't it. Perhaps classes should be split into ability, and team picking should be banned (in any class, its not only P.E. , as it's degrading and has left me with very low self esteem/ low confidence) The one good thing about my PE was that uniform wasn't enforced, you could wear what you liked to an extent.

    If you ask me , the prices of food need to be fixed, it costs more at the moment for a sandwich at school, than for a burger/chips meal. The latter is also more readily available (there's actually a chip van outside my school and an ice cream van) to get when you're out, which is all wrong.
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