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Sometimes it's good to get rid of some guilt..

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
...and wipe the slate clean. So here we go:

I'm sorry that I didn't finish my degree and that I was too lazy to do better at school.

I'm sorry that I dumped C****e S***h because she had a big nose, and that I dumped or shyed away from countless other women for similar shallow and superficial reasons.

I'm sorry that I don't tell my family, in particular my parents how much I love them enough, or thank them enough or do more to help them.

I'm sorry that I sometimes hate my job, flunk off 15 minutes early or spend half the day on the internet because my job is extremely boring. I'm also sorry that I snap at annoying co-workers when they are just trying to help.

I'm sorry that I quit my last job after 6 weeks because my supervisor was superbitch.

I'm sorry that I couldn't find it in me to be particularly shocked or even cry at my Grandma and Grandad's funerals. Maybe I'm just numb or something.

I'm sorry to E**a G****d and K***y R*****l that it took me a long time to get over them and that as a result, I was sometimes an annoying, obsessive, pestering pain in the arse.

I'm sorry that I've not always grabbed all the opportunities that I've had with both hands and instead made excuses for myself.

I'm sorry that I'm sometimes an arse to my friends, and sometimes lie to them because I don't have the courage to just say no.

I'm sorry that I'm useless with money and that I'm not more finacially independent.

I'm sorry that in my school days I was a complete homophobic, and when it turned out my older brother was gay, he had to find out some of my former opinions from one of my former bullying targets :crying:

I'm sorry that I find it hard to talk with or connect with my older brother these days because we don't have so much in common even know I still love him.

I'm sorry that I've smoked like a chinmey since I was 14 and that every time I've given up, I've slipped back into it and dissapointed the people who believed that I'd beat it.

I'm sorry that I once cheated in a golf tournement.

I'm sorry that I kicked 9 bells of shit out of D****l C****p at school.

I'm sorry that I'm not always happy, enthusiastic or positive.

I'm sorry that I have a tendency to be lazy and procrastinate way too much.

I'm sorry that I've not worked harder at the things I love like playing guitar and playing sports.

I'm sorry that I didn't look after all those pets I had when I was a kid a bit better.

I'm sorry if I ever dissapointed the people that love me because I threw opportunities away when they believed in me, or if I whined or was ungrateful about a nice thing they did for me.

I could go on, but hopefully I can feel better now. Nothing to see here... :D


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well done, for doing that and for remembering all that!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Additional: I'm sorry that my lack of self confidence and low self-esteem sometimes gets in the way of me living my life and taking opportunities, and that as a result, I have a tendency to be obsessive and worry wayyyyy to much about life.

    There. I think I got 'em all now!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wow! I'm gonna do that when I get home, and then rip up the piece of paper or burn it. Sounds like excellent therapy!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good lad. Nice to get it all off your chest once in a while. :thumb:

    Though wouldn't put people's actually full names on the net.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yerascrote wrote: »
    Good lad. Nice to get it all off your chest once in a while. :thumb:

    Though wouldn't put people's actually full names on the net.

    Fair point I suppose. I'll edit...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nice one.

    Sometimes it helps to get things off your chest, even though you're just writing them down.

    Theres a lot of points there that could also related to me. Except I have never cheated in a golf tournament :p

    The challenge is to learn from these experiences and make sure your future isn't full of the regrets of what you did or didn't do.

    Well done though, cant have been easy to write that lot down.

    All the best dude :thumb:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Great therapy. It's been awhile since I let things go. You've inspired me to go home tonight and vent all of my frusturations and insecurities. Thanks a bunch!
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