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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Sorry for all the scar questions lately. I sound like a broken record. But does anybody know if microdermabrasion would be something that could help? Not extremly thick scars, only slightly raised and slightly thick, but raised all the same and impossible to cover. Not to rant too much, but I've recently found some friends and I think having new people in my life, the fact of having them has made me very on edge about it lately. I've read several things online now and it says for things like acne scars or other facial things, smoothing thickend skin and treating discoloration. But I've read that its a temporary thing. I can't even find if they do it on areas other than the face! I ask because, as luck should have it, I've won a certificate from my gym to a place that just so happens to do microdermabrasion. (only micro, not regular, and nothing else that would help the problem) But I'm asking here as I just want opinions on if it would even be helpful or not. If it wouldn't be, I don't even want to ask the doctors. Its not something I'd be comfortable talking to somebody about in a face to face conversation.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hey sweety, i am curious if acne is causing the scars do you still get regular breakouts etc. The reason i ask this is because if you do, there is no use treating/removing the scars until you can control the acne.

    Whether its a simple skin care regime, regular facials or acne treatments, you need to get it under control before even thinking about treating the scars. Often when your skin fully clears up, the scars arent as bad as you thought.

    Microdermabrasion can be very painful, i know someone who had it done and he needed to stay home for about a week for his skin to heal afterwards (his skin was pretty much red and raw), but it can also be less severe depending on the scarring.

    To give you an idea of the pain, i had a green peel once (the woman said it was the gentlest and least painful peel of all including microdermabrasion), yet it felt like she was rubbing pieces of broken glass and acid into my skin and i decided i never wanted to do it again unless i was heavily sedated somehow. :p

    If you do decide to do it, please post before and after pics please!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't have acne scars, that was just an example of what the websites were saying what its commonly used for. Its not even on the face. So hopefully that would take away some pain ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lol ok sorry to offend :blush: if its not acne then id definitely give it a go. Only reasons i wont do it, is im scared of the pain and well im scared of the acne coming back.

    Either way good luck hun
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh no, you didn't offend at all! :heart:

    Thanks for your help :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not wanting to hi-jack your thread into an acne scars one but I'm doing an acne treatment now and as my skin is clearing up (still got a way to go) I'm realising how badly scarred it is from the acne. Eventually I might look into scar removal properly, I was thinking that bio-oil might nake all the acne come back? I've also got lots of self-harm scars but I wouldn't want to invest too much in repairing them as I still actively self-harm so it would be a bit pointless.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're doing microdermabrasion for it? How do you like it so far? I hope its working nice :)

    I've made my consultation for tomorrow... *scared* :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're doing microdermabrasion for it? How do you like it so far? I hope its working nice :)

    I've made my consultation for tomorrow... *scared* :p

    Not yet, I'm still treating the acne itself (with meds and cream) so I have to do that before I treat the scars.

    Good luck for your consultation :)
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