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feeling pretty scared

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
i'm not going to uni this year bcos we're supposed to go on an year out for work experience....it's going to be so wierd. i'd never been to the UK before uni and everything that's familiar to me and all my friends will be gone this year.....it's like starting uni all over again!!
i loved my third year of uni bcos after 2 fuked up years of not having any good friends to hang with, i found a good group of people to be with, and though we r scattered all over the world right now,we still keep in touch.

but moving to a new place,and starting from scratch really scares me...will i meet nice people?will i find a good flat?..will i even get a good job?...it's all so uncertain, and i guess its useless worrying, but i need to rant abt this.....bcos i am pretty scared!!:crying:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    tinydancer wrote: »
    i'm not going to uni this year bcos we're supposed to go on an year out for work experience....it's going to be so wierd. i'd never been to the UK before uni and everything that's familiar to me and all my friends will be gone this year.....it's like starting uni all over again!!
    i loved my third year of uni bcos after 2 fuked up years of not having any good friends to hang with, i found a good group of people to be with, and though we r scattered all over the world right now,we still keep in touch.

    but moving to a new place,and starting from scratch really scares me...will i meet nice people?will i find a good flat?..will i even get a good job?...it's all so uncertain, and i guess its useless worrying, but i need to rant abt this.....bcos i am pretty scared!!:crying:

    Its only natural to be scared or aprehensive when going onto a new phase in your life. What you have to keep in mind is that everything changes and everything is a new oppotunity to meet new friends and go to new places.

    Its very easy once you make friends to feel very comfortable with them and to stick with what you know. Look upon this as a challange, tackle it head on and you will end up making even more great friends.

    Dont worry about the flat and finding a job, the more you put pressure on yourself the harder you will find things.

    Remember the more you plan, the more that can go wrong ;)

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Calvin wrote: »
    Its very easy once you make friends to feel very comfortable with them and to stick with what you know. Look upon this as a challange, tackle it head on and you will end up making even more great friends.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What Calvin said. There are probably loads of people who feel the same way as you do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Was the same for me before I did my year abroad.
    I left all my mates behind went over to France and.....made brand new friends, ones that I know I will keep for life.
    It's hard at first and really scary, but it gets easier and easier honestly.
    I'm back at Uni in September, most have my friends have graduated and my bestie has even left Manc to go and live with her boyfriend. It's going to be hard again but it's all about wanting to have a good time and I'm going back feeling excited rather than scared and I'm thinking about all the prospects, experiences and friends I have in front of me:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    tinydancer wrote: »
    ...moving to a new place,and starting from scratch really scares me...will i meet nice people? will i find a good flat?..will i even get a good job?
    Wait a minute. You've already adapted to new conditions and a new place before. Why wouldn't you be able to do that again?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks guys...i know ul r right...
    and yes, i have adapted to these conditions before, but the thing is i did go through 2 pretty bad years before i went through my best year at uni, ie; 3rd year!!..it's easier now i guess cos at that point i was still getting used to the culture and stuff as well...but those two years where i was still getting to know some people (people who turned out to be real nasty), those years were tough..and at times,i just really wanted to just quit and go home!!
    but yeah, i guess there's no turning back now...just bury myself in what i hav to do, and just go for it...
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