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Help needed re: landlord being a cock

Ok I just recieved this email from my housemate (pardon the dodgy English - he's Chinese):

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"I faced a really terrible problem with the landlord currently. They had a final reading about the electricity meter and it was far higher than what I read and reported to the NPower. Once you left the house, have you got any information about the problems with the electricity bills and other bills in the house? Their attitude was extremely rude and I was totally confused about the situation as I left the house beforehand.

I got a reading of 63764 by 1th June which was based on our previous corrected meter reading. But the landlord told me they got 72714 by the end of June. How would it possible to have such a large difference?

They asked me (very rude) to pay extra more than 900 pounds for the difference. I have no any idea about it as I just came back from business. Could you send me any information you know about the meter reading (of course, it is not your responsibility to read the electricity meter) before moving out the house?"

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Ok there is NO WAY on Earth that the meter reading could have jumped that much in such a short time. Our normal quarterly bill was around £100 give or take £25 and yet in one month, it has gone to £900. This simply isn't possible. To be honest, it sounds like our landlord is trying to find an excuse to not give us our deposit back.

So basically, I need advice as to where I stand with regard to the law. I can arrange for someone to go and independently inspect the meter but from what I can work out from the email, NPower are just going on what the landlord has quoted them.

Should I phone NPower to arrange an independent meter reading, should I ask a mate to go and do it for me in the presence of the landlord or something else?

Please help as this sounds like the fucker is trying to fleece us out of our entire deposit money. Thanks in advance.
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I just phoned NPower - apparently our final bill is £18.56; a small discrepancy from £900 or so pounds.

    What I see is this - the meter might be slightly out and we may owe a few quid more or less than the number NPower quoted us but the landlord told us that he read the meter (incidentally with none of us present) and that the number he apparently read equates to a bill of £900.

    So what do I do? I got NPower to forward the final bill to me here so I can pay it so I guess as far as we are concerned with NPower, we're quits.

    Is there some legal footing when it comes to reading the meter with tenants present or not as this case is?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you dispute the meter reading then it would be up to nPower to read the meter and verify it, and bill accordingly. The fact that nPower are sending you a final bill based on your readings should be indicative.

    In any case, if his reading is correct, you owe the money to nPower, not the landlord, so tell the cunt to go fuck his mother.

    If you're still not sure, give Shelter a ring.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Cheers Kermy

    Turns out the moronic landlord was reading the meter for the garden flat and not our one (the garden flat's meter being located funnily enough outside their front door and ours being located inside our front door). We sent someone round today to check our meter and NPower's estimation of our bill of £18 or so was more or less correct. Essentially, the landlady made a whopping great mistake and my housemate has just pointed this out to her.

    Not only is the meter for which we're meant to owe £900 right outside the other flat's front door, we never received any bills for this other meter and I doubt they would have kept us connected for 9 months without being paid.

    Basically the landlord now has not a single leg to stand on. We are completely in the clear and once the £18 is paid, that's us done.
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