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Accomodation problems

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
So myself, a Londoner and two Scandinavians are moving in together in London and supposed to be moving in to our place tomorrow. We are with a small letting agent who specialises in students and they have just been crap.

Firstly, when they gave me a form with the new address on, they gave me the wrong postcode and they told the international students that if they did not have a guarrentor in the UK, they'd have to pay 1 month in advance on top of the deposit and first month rent.

Anyway, I phone them Tuesday, having sorted all my stuff out and they tell me that I haven't paid my £875 money in and hadn't had anything off me. So I phone back later and say I'd checked my bank and the money had gone out, they apppologise and I talk to the guy who is dealing specifically with us.

He says that he doesn't know what's going on, that he's received a lot of money in and doesn't know where it's all come from and has several students all wanting to move in at once. I ask him what needs to be sorted and he tells me person X needs to sort out a reference and give extra money, ect ect.

Basically, he's now saying that the international students have to pay 3 months in advance instead, which was different to what he originally said. Lucky for all of us they have money... He is also saying that not all the forms are in, although the story keeps on changing (and can he even give this informtion out under the Data Protection Act?)...

Now I am due to move in tomorrow and one of us is homeless. Basically, they're saying other documents haven't been sent in when my friend's Dad definately sent them in. She swears by it and says they sound really vague on the phone and can't give us the key until everything is sorted.

I have been phoning them every day.

I am really fucking pissed off because I feel that they are being unprofessional.

I am tempted to tell them that I am going to get them taken off the university accomodation recommendation list too and get them blacklisted for being shit.

What would you do? And am I right to be annoyed?
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