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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I have quite a complicated gynae medical history...

Just to give a brief outline of it... basically I had an endometriotic cyst on my left ovary when I was 14... They had to remove the ovary.
During surgery they discovered I have two wombs joined at the cervix...
a couple of years later I had more surgery because of excruciating period pains and they found I had no outlet for blood from my left womb. Since they'd removed the ovary and tied the tube off it meant the blood was building up because there was no time for it to reabsorb every month before my next period... So I've been taking the pill back to back ever since.

That's probably confusing... But anyway.

I had my period last week. It was relatively painless. But afterwards I've been getting tummy pains where my left womb is or where my ovary should be if I still had one. I think I get these pains every time I've had a period... but they're fairly far apart so I tend to forget exactly how I've been, and I think they're gradually getting worse every time.

The thing is the pain has been waking me up every night since thursday, and they've just been there niggling away during the day as well. (I've been needing to pee a lot as well... especially during the night - not sure if that has anything to do with it). I probably have an unhealthy view of painkillers because of my past experiences with pain.... unless I literally can't walk for it I don't tend to bother with them (But it's also cos I only have one kidney and I don't like taking loads of drugs cos of it).

The point of this thread is... Because I'm used to having pains and generally have to ignore some of them I've lost sight of when I should maybe go to the doctor about them. The thing is... I know if it is my womb causing them then my gynae doctor didn't want to remove it (even though it's useless) because it would be major surgery and quite risky because of my bowel (I don't really understand it all). In which case I'd be best just ignoring it and not bothering with the doctor. But I'm worried that I'm just ignoring the pains and they're actually something different, like a cyst or just normal endometriosis or something.

I was discharged from hospital last year... so I'd have to wait months to be seen again... and I hate going to the doctors unless I really have to.
Do you think it's possible for my GP to contact my gynae and ask him if these pains are normal in my situation, without me having to be referred? And do they keep hold of past notes if you've been discharged?

You probably haven't... but I just wondered if anyone had any thoughts really.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes, they do keep past notes, even if you've been discharged.

    If you were discharged relatively recently then they will sometimes see you again without a new referral, especially if it's a similar or related problem, so it might be worth ringing up the secretary and seeing if you can get an appointment. Might be worth playing slightly dumb about being discharged, lots of people don't understand the concept so let yourself fall into that category.

    If that doesn't work, or if you don't like that line then it would be worth talking to your GP, they should get a summary letter when you're discharged, and they have a certain amount of knowledge and access to a lot of reference tools which may help work out whether it's to be expected from your history or whether it's something different.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes, they do keep past notes, even if you've been discharged.

    If you were discharged relatively recently then they will sometimes see you again without a new referral, especially if it's a similar or related problem, so it might be worth ringing up the secretary and seeing if you can get an appointment. Might be worth playing slightly dumb about being discharged, lots of people don't understand the concept so let yourself fall into that category.

    If that doesn't work, or if you don't like that line then it would be worth talking to your GP, they should get a summary letter when you're discharged, and they have a certain amount of knowledge and access to a lot of reference tools which may help work out whether it's to be expected from your history or whether it's something different.

    Thanks. If the pains haven't stopped by tomorrow I'll make an appointment.

    I was given 6 months in which I could go back to the hospital if nessassery after being discharged... but unfortunatly that's over now and I don't think they're be a way of getting back in without being referred again... The guy that was dealing with me in the top guy in his field in the country so he has a pretty big waiting list.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I made a doctors appointment; it's on monday. I had another restless night last night. :impissed:
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