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So, single people...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
... do you ever get scared you are never going to meet the right person? Or anyone else at all for that matter? I know I'm only 22, and have years ahead of me bla bla bla, but as the years have gone by, things have only got drier, my mind has become filled with more and more over-analytical bullshit about why I might be single, what's wrong with me and what might have gone wrong in the past, why I am not interested in any of the girls who are interested in me these days, why I can't sustain a relationship with these girls and I've become more and more doubtful and more and more pessimistic. It's almost like I knew more when I was 16 than I do now. Everything is gray now. Back then everything was black and white. My mind's always filled with questions I don't know the answers to anymore. It's like every month that goes by, my self-belief and confidence is chipped away a bit more. People keep telling me I just need to chill out and let things happen. While that may be good advice, it's very hard to take on board when the whole world just seems to be passing you by and you can't see anything on the horizon. In conclusion, I guess I'm just scared. I keep seeing an image of myself at 30, single, whining to all my married friends about some 2 month fling I had when I was 17. I know relationship's aren't everything, I'm happy with my life in other departments, but the longer this goes on, the more I am bothered by it and the more paranoid I become about myself - it's impossible not to be. I don't know what I'm trying to achieve with this post, just getting it off my chest I guess and wondering if there's anyone else that feels the same. I'm not some manic-depressive who is constantly whining about being single, and thus making myself really unattractive- I'm mainly a happy, confident, giving and smart guy - that's what makes it all the more frustrating...


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    of course, i'm sure everyone's had that thought at some time in their lives but it really is true that there isn't much point worrying too much about it - easiest thing is just to take things as they come. obviously if you're the sort of person that doesn't go out, doesn't make the effort to meet new people etc you stand less chance, but i'm sure you're not that kind of person. don't go out looking for relationships, go out looking for friends, then whatever happens is always a bonus.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kat_B wrote: »
    of course, i'm sure everyone's had that thought at some time in their lives but it really is true that there isn't much point worrying too much about it - easiest thing is just to take things as they come. obviously if you're the sort of person that doesn't go out, doesn't make the effort to meet new people etc you stand less chance, but i'm sure you're not that kind of person. don't go out looking for relationships, go out looking for friends, then whatever happens is always a bonus.

    Thanks. I go out a lot and have a lot of interests/hobbies etc. I think maybe I don't put myself about enough or sieze the day enough though...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well, you only live once so make the most of it. the worst thing people can say to you is no. better that than wondering what could have happened.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    oh god, tell me about it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kat_B wrote: »
    well, you only live once so make the most of it. the worst thing people can say to you is no. better that than wondering what could have happened.

    I know, I know! Like I say, I know the deal, I know this, it's just convincing myself of it and not letting all my hang ups and baggage get in the way. Thanks...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I get what you mean. people say just chill out but then after a certain amount of time passes you start thinking 'is it me?'. Nip those feelings in the bud because they'll make you miss any chances.

    Just keep doing what your doing and chill and you should be fine. :) Don't give in to negative thoughts.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know EXACTLY where your coming from ...

    Right Im seventeen and single so I know I've got ages to go until I have to even think about marriage but i feel pressure already like my younger sister has this serious relationship and everyone is coupled up at family things and i end up the odd one out because im not exactly gonna bring a link to a family thing with me .

    I dont want to end up lonely either and im really scared at times that i will.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nip those feelings in the bud because they'll make you miss any chances.

    :yes: I've been single for a long enough to reliase I dont need a bloke to make my happy. Yes a relationship would be nice and I do go through pharses of wanting one but its not the be all and end of all my life. The plans I have for the next year or so mean I might be out of the country a fair bit travelling and a relationship might ot mix very well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ... do you ever get scared you are never going to meet the right person? Or anyone else at all for that matter? I know I'm only 22, and have years ahead of me bla bla bla, but as the years have gone by, things have only got drier, my mind has become filled with more and more over-analytical bullshit about why I might be single, what's wrong with me and what might have gone wrong in the past, why I am not interested in any of the girls who are interested in me these days, why I can't sustain a relationship with these girls and I've become more and more doubtful and more and more pessimistic. It's almost like I knew more when I was 16 than I do now. Everything is gray now. Back then everything was black and white. My mind's always filled with questions I don't know the answers to anymore. It's like every month that goes by, my self-belief and confidence is chipped away a bit more. People keep telling me I just need to chill out and let things happen. While that may be good advice, it's very hard to take on board when the whole world just seems to be passing you by and you can't see anything on the horizon. In conclusion, I guess I'm just scared. I keep seeing an image of myself at 30, single, whining to all my married friends about some 2 month fling I had when I was 17. I know relationship's aren't everything, I'm happy with my life in other departments, but the longer this goes on, the more I am bothered by it and the more paranoid I become about myself - it's impossible not to be. I don't know what I'm trying to achieve with this post, just getting it off my chest I guess and wondering if there's anyone else that feels the same. I'm not some manic-depressive who is constantly whining about being single, and thus making myself really unattractive- I'm mainly a happy, confident, giving and smart guy - that's what makes it all the more frustrating...

    Yes, I feel like that all the time these days.

    I'm 23 in October and all my friends are shacked up and pretty settled apart from one who's done the whole marriage & kids thing but fucked it all up royally.

    It does get annoying seeing everyone else having what you want but seemingly can't get but surely it can't last forever?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ... do you ever get scared you are never going to meet the right person? Or anyone else at all for that matter? I know I'm only 22, and have years ahead of me bla bla bla, but as the years have gone by, things have only got drier, my mind has become filled with more and more over-analytical bullshit about why I might be single, what's wrong with me and what might have gone wrong in the past, why I am not interested in any of the girls who are interested in me these days, why I can't sustain a relationship with these girls and I've become more and more doubtful and more and more pessimistic. It's almost like I knew more when I was 16 than I do now. Everything is gray now. Back then everything was black and white. My mind's always filled with questions I don't know the answers to anymore. It's like every month that goes by, my self-belief and confidence is chipped away a bit more. People keep telling me I just need to chill out and let things happen. While that may be good advice, it's very hard to take on board when the whole world just seems to be passing you by and you can't see anything on the horizon. In conclusion, I guess I'm just scared. I keep seeing an image of myself at 30, single, whining to all my married friends about some 2 month fling I had when I was 17. I know relationship's aren't everything, I'm happy with my life in other departments, but the longer this goes on, the more I am bothered by it and the more paranoid I become about myself - it's impossible not to be. I don't know what I'm trying to achieve with this post, just getting it off my chest I guess and wondering if there's anyone else that feels the same. I'm not some manic-depressive who is constantly whining about being single, and thus making myself really unattractive- I'm mainly a happy, confident, giving and smart guy - that's what makes it all the more frustrating...

    Yeah, your not the only one whos been there. Have to say I have chilled out 1000% since the turn of the year, regards this one. Its all in the mind. ;)

    The more you plan, the more that can go wrong. Stop planning things and just relax, let things happen. Stop worrying about the 'whens' and 'if's' in life and worry about enjoying the moment. Its often only when we stop worrying and questioning ourselves that things change.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To be honest I rant and rave to my friends about how great being single is and most of the time like at the weekends i fucking love it cos i can get with who i want go back to whoevers i want chat to who i want do what i want etc. ... but i actually prefer being in a relationship and i miss it sometimes and being single gets kinda lonely
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As of late, yeaaah.

    Dry spell, man. But it happens to the best of us. I think I'm noticing it more with me at the moment as I think I am sinking into that lonely 'I-really-want-a-boyfriend' kinda feeling so as sod's law happens it won't happen for me. Still hard to shake off but what can you do.

    I think I'm going for the wrong kinda guy as well. My Mam's pointed out I go for gawky, weird looking guys. They are kinda odd looking and I do have a weird taste sort of and I think their weird attitude/mannerism follows suit hence the breakdown of anything being consistant. Bit annoying, but hey ho!

    Especially when I hear all the tragic tales of how crap all my other mates' relationships are - it's like I wouldn't pull strops like their girlfs and they're all lovely lads and they put up with it yet come whinging to me.

    It's a weird thing that's not really something you can dissect too much, as there are too many pieces to dissect and it's just neverending.

    Er, that was a really unorganised tangent. Moral of the story - just keep your head up. You're not alone. :heart:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1983 wrote: »
    As of late, yeaaah.

    Dry spell, man. But it happens to the best of us. I think I'm noticing it more with me at the moment as I think I am sinking into that lonely 'I-really-want-a-boyfriend' kinda feeling so as sod's law happens it won't happen for me. Still hard to shake off but what can you do.

    I think I'm going for the wrong kinda guy as well. My Mam's pointed out I go for gawky, weird looking guys. They are kinda odd looking and I do have a weird taste sort of and I think their weird attitude/mannerism follows suit hence the breakdown of anything being consistant. Bit annoying, but hey ho!

    Especially when I hear all the tragic tales of how crap all my other mates' relationships are - it's like I wouldn't pull strops like their girlfs and they're all lovely lads and they put up with it yet come whinging to me.

    It's a weird thing that's not really something you can dissect too much, as there are too many pieces to dissect and it's just neverending.

    Er, that was a really unorganised tangent. Moral of the story - just keep your head up. You're not alone. :heart:

    Urahgh .. after reading that i feel even more depressed. i always go for the same type too without even realising it. im drawn to these scummy drug dealing dumb asses who are funny but wankers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :yes: I've been single for a long enough to reliase I dont need a bloke to make my happy. Yes a relationship would be nice and I do go through pharses of wanting one but its not the be all and end of all my life..

    Same here
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Settling down in your early twenties sucks more blood than a back street dentist ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1983 wrote: »
    I think I am sinking into that lonely 'I-really-want-a-boyfriend' kinda feeling so as sod's law happens it won't happen for me.

    i am starting 2 sink into that (well "want a girlfriend") and its rubish. its very diffacult to stop yourself thinking like that to:banghead: , kinda gets in the way of acctually getting a girlfriend:( . lol
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i with the rest, s'all in the old noodle. i never get scared of not finding one cause tbh i can manage well on my own, and companionship isnt really a neseccity for me, i can see my self living without a wife or real partner and it doesnt scare me (maybe cause ive spread my seed and genetics are done with me) lol

    but single life is good,

    my faveorite saying right now
    "this Too Shall pass"
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    I used to be so down, never because of the fact that I wasn't romantically involved with anyone, but with the fact that I never had. I'm still in the same situation but somehow it doesn't really bother me anymore. I'd still like it to happen though, before I get too old.
    As for settling down and stuff, I don't have any ideas about "knowing" as many people as possible. If the first woman I get with turns out to be "the one", I'd have no problem settling down no matter how old or young I was.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    Settling down in your early twenties sucks more blood than a back street dentist ;)

    I will remeber that one ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No, don't really worry about that at all. Some people are really lucky and meet "the one" at 18 or whatever but half the time relationships at that age are just shows and acts. They want to be seen with someone and 99% of the time the relationship fails, that's why I've never had a proper relationship and won't until I leave uni, get a job and settle down. Hell, I'm just a text message away from going into a relationship if I want but I don't want to. :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've got to the point where I just sit and wonder what the fuck is wrong with me. I think partially it's because I'm quite picky, partially it's because I'm quiet and shy, and partially because I'm a complex and weird bloke.

    I'm a geek and into weird stuff, so that puts certain girls off. I'm a smartarse who says weird, surreal things so that puts girls off. I'm fat, so that outs girls off.

    I kinda accept that I'm always going to be more Kevin Smith than Brad Pitt. I always thought that being clever and funny was attractive. I guess not.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    and thinking about it, being in a relationship isnt always bliss either infact most of my relationships have been so fuckin dramatic and complicated so maybe single is the way forward for now

    also - does any one else find this, like when your single and bored you find yourself forcing yourself to like people ? cos im kind of doing that at the moment because I AM SO BORED i just want to meet someone interesting
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yerascrote wrote: »
    Some people are really lucky and meet "the one" at 18

    I don't think that's particulary lucky.. well they would think so. But the thought of that just sounds so boring! You get stuck in your ways at such a young age.
    I don't think I believe in "the one" anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've got to the point where I just sit and wonder what the fuck is wrong with me. I think partially it's because I'm quite picky, partially it's because I'm quiet and shy, and partially because I'm a complex and weird bloke.

    I'm a geek and into weird stuff, so that puts certain girls off. I'm a smartarse who says weird, surreal things so that puts girls off. I'm fat, so that outs girls off.

    I kinda accept that I'm always going to be more Kevin Smith than Brad Pitt. I always thought that being clever and funny was attractive. I guess not.

    there probably isnt anything wrong with you but that depends on how weird the stuff is that your into
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    I don't think that's particulary lucky.. well they would think so. But the thought of that just sounds so boring! You get stuck in your ways at such a young age.

    im glad someone agrees with me on that .. at work theres quite a few women who met their husbands at 15 and another at 17 and drone on about it all the time and my dads new girlfriend met her previous husband at FOURTEEN for crying out loud (then left him later for my dad ... anyway) i was feeling like i was one of the only people who thought it might not be a bad thing to shop around for a bit first

    i mean its a bit like if i go shopping for a new top im not gonna buy the first one i see just because its alright even if it suits me im normally look around first then come back if its that great
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    i mean its a bit like if i go shopping for a new top im not gonna buy the first one i see just because its alright even if it suits me im normally look around first then come back if its that great
    Except that these aren't clothes, they're people. 1)They have feelings, 2)while you can always get that same top later you'll probably not be able to do the same with them and 3)I really think leaving somebody for the sole reason of wanting to "try" others is the behaviour of a jerk.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Except that these aren't clothes, they're people. 1)They have feelings, 2)while you can always get that same top later you'll probably not be able to do the same with them and 3)I really think leaving somebody for the sole reason of wanting to "try" others is the behaviour of a jerk.

    Well .. Duh !

    It was just a compairson (sp)
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    Well .. Duh !

    It was just a compairson (sp)
    A comparison I understood the point of. I just told you why it's not a perfect comparison, and so why you shouldn't apply the same thinking to relationships.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ... do you ever get scared you are never going to meet the right person? Or anyone else at all for that matter?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I went through very definite phases regarding this emotion.

    Prior to meeting my ex, I never gave the matter much thought - I was 19 and I don't really know many 19 year olds who are concerned with such things. I was convinced that I had met the girl for me until, 3 years down the line, she basically throws all the things we had founded our relationship on back in my face, tells me she doesn't want all the things we'd planned such as marriage, kids, house in the country etc. which was strange. Then to cap it all, she runs off with a good friend.

    Now for a while I thought, shit, what if I never meet another girl like her again and perhaps there is still some doubt in my mind regarding that issue today and I'm nearly 23. However, I still know more single people than people in relationships which is comforting on the one hand out of a sentiment I guess of bloody-mindedness. Another feeling is that being in the majority means I have time on my side. Now in my more Stoic/Zen retrospective clarity, I can see that perhaps my ex wasn't the perfect girl for me. Granted, I loved her with all my heart and soul and what she did hurt a lot but at the same time, I feel a lot wiser, a lot more level headed, and dare I say it, a lot more discerning a gentleman now that I have had my heart broken. This means that, whilst having pulled God knows how many lovely ladies since our breakup in November it's going to take one very special lady to make me commit again as fully as I did last time. Or failing that, several average ladies :D

    But seriously, I don't know how many others in my age bracket I can speak for but for a while I did worry a lot about what might happen if I never meet that someone again, now I'm a lot more Stoic and Zen about the whole thing. I have time on my side.
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